Hello all! I used to be a member here last year but got really super friggen busy writing my Master of Science thesis (which is now OVER thank god). Now all I have to so is get a job and wait for my grade to come back... To everyone who I rp'd with I'd like to apologise for my disappearance- especially to the glorious Genkai, GM from the heavens. No seriously. If you have a chance to be on one of her rp's you're in for a fantastic time. ([s]iloveyou[/s]) Now that I'm back and getting used to this new format (what's up with this, seriously. I liked the old one better. This is seriously odd) I'm so keen to get back into things. I love anything fantastical, and have the biggest fandom crush on Harry Potter. I prefer to make OC's and play in original worlds and plots, but I don't mind the occasional fandoms- especially HP, maybe pokemon (although I've never really seen this work so well) and others that just won't come to mind just now. I prefer advanced roleplay, and will consider high-casual for a bit of fun, so if you want me chuck me a pm (don't be afraid just to throw me one to say hi either ^_^) So anyway... Hi!