[b]Obligatory fast forward sequence.[/b] -- Marcus was standing on a street corner smoking a cigar. The rain was coming down in torrents, drowning out all other sound. Damn, he thought. This might make it a little more difficult to hear The Ripper if he came out of hiding for their bait. He tossed the butt onto the ground and looked at his fellow Order members gathered around him. He withdrew his revolver and checked to see if it was loaded. He steadied it at his side, and nodded at Eric. "Open that thing up in an alley and everybody take a vantage point. We don't want to be anywhere near this son of a bitch." He pointed towards various rooftops, and a handful of trees that stood in a nearby park. "Then, if it lures him out. Only open fire if you're positive you'll make a hit." He looked up at the dark, stormy sky. "We can't let him get away."