Bert was really distracted by his companion, and quite forgot about paying attention to the road. He listened to her sing along with the radio, and thought she had a lovely voice. In fact, she was over all a lovely girl. Even though he did not know anything about her yet, he was sure he was going to marry her. Such is the folly of youth. Suddenly, he realized, as she screamed, that he had crossed over onto the wrong side of the road, and a car was coming right at them through the darkness. He swerved in just enough time to avoid the other car, sending his own car down the embankment, and halfway into the woods. It was only by grace that he avoided crashing into a tree. For a long moment, he simply sat there, with no other sounds than the chirping of crickets and the beating of his heart. He looked over at Rose, as the song continued to play on the radio. With shaking hands, he reached out and turned the radio off. "We... we almost died back there Rose."