Lilin had never really needed to do the full extent of her job until today. The library was crawling with people waiting for her orders, ushering out innocent patrons and basically locking the place down for fear of the safety of the vault. She loved being in charge, but the noisy, unsophisticated goons that were in her library were mildly irritating. She paced back and forth, giving orders to the lot and escorting a few to the vault while others secured the perimeter and searched the premises for anyone that wasn't supposed to be there, even after she reassured them that the only people who were in the library were the people who were supposed to be there - the federal agents and security experts. She had seen the broadcast, the Our Fathers' Fathers, and practically had the man's speech and face memorized. Lilin didn't recall ever seeing him in the library, but she disliked him. She had lived through too many wars, and now this man was starting another one over stupid, distorted perceptions of what was really going on in the city. Yes, it was corrupt, but it wasn't [i]ruined[/i], it was just fine. Lilin would have much prefered peaceful picketing or protesting rather than this outbreak of guns and feds crawling around the city, looking for trouble. The dragon soon found herself overlooking the entrance to the vault, swarmed by other federal agents than herself looking for something important to do, only to be told by Lilin that their biggest job now was to pace around the library or the hallways of the basement where the vault was located. She watched security experts tap into the firewalls and security systems, fortifying the library like Fort Knox. For all intents and purposes, the Houston Public Library was secured.