[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] [b]Tagress Guild[/b] "...Moira, this is the opposite of what you needed..." "Eh, it was on offer," Moira shrugged. "Was it??? Moira I was there!" Syed tensed his hands at either side of his head as they walked. "I just think this is a bad idea. I wouldn't even touch this stuff." Moira sucked through her teeth. "I just want to try and get a tan, just this once you know? I mean I've gone the colour of sour milk. It's gross." She sighed. "I probably look about dead." Syed snorted. "But this is pretty much cooking oil!" "It says tan enhancer, [i]actually[/i]," Moira said with her chin raised a little. Although the effect was lost when the person she was speaking to was well over a foot taller than her. "I'll have a lovely golden hue in no time!" "You shouldn't be ashamed of what the Gods gave you, you know? They have their reasons." "Says you." "Says my mum, actually." Moira stopped stared at him incredulously with her lip slightly curled. Still, she saw no reason to repeat her stance on the matter of the gods yet again. They just had to agree to disagree on that one. Either way, it looked like they had just managed to get back in time. And without getting lost! She did her usual trick of kicking the door wide open, causing Syed to start at the loud noise. He'll never get used to that. ...And they nearly went crashing straight into Nikki. "OI!" Moira yelled, sounding almost offended. Only for a second though. "You weren't going to up and run off without us, were you?!" Syed glanced around, spotting Dylan was still absent, along with now Julius and Celeste too. Well, they sounded pretty enthusiastic about it earlier. They must have been getting ready too, right? "Patience is a virtue you know," he laughed. "We aren't even the last ones back!" "Good! Gives me a chance to put this stuff on," Moira huffed, before promptly snatching the bottle from Syed's grasp and about dousing herself with the contents. "Nobody wants to borrow this right?" Syed firmly introduced his face to his palm.