It was always a rare occasion when Annabelle performed in Doggsvile. She'd often be called away to perform in quite a few locations over the course of a few days and needless to say it would take a toll on the young women who sat at the back of the shoddily built stage. She had attended a lords dinner party recently, performing a melody requested specifically by him which she was given a matter of days to learn. It was exhausting, especially when you were also having to keep up with your secondary job as a doctor. Annabelle let out a soft sigh at that thought, wondering how mum was doing back at the clinic. No doubt she was working late tonight. One of the scaffolds for the cathedral had fallen, injuring quite a few workers and killing a few others. It was always harder when things like that happened as it meant more patients to deal with in a short space of time before the guards would come knocking demanding they return to work. "Annabelle?" called a mans voice expectantly as he peered through the doorway to the room she sat in, just off from the stage in the tavern. She looked up, snapping out of her thoughts, "Hmm? oh, sorry" she replied before the older man walked in, giving a soft concerned smile. "What's wrong?" he asked in a concerned tone. Annabelle just shook her head, "Nothing Franklin, just... got allot on my mind is all" she replied in her usual soft tone. Franklin nodded and offered a comforting smile, "Don't we all darling" he said before taking in a deep breath and looking to the door, "Anyway, you're on in five minutes. I err... I might have to give you less then the usual rate this time. We're running a bit low here at the moment" he said, scratching the back of his graying hair. Annabelle hid her disappointment, knowing all too well the troubles he went through just to keep the place alive. "That's ok Frank, I understand" she replied, the older man touching her shoulder comfortingly for a moment before heading for the door. A few minutes latter she was on the stage, a place she'd been forced to like over the course of the last few months. At first it had been terrifying, having not the nerves to stand up in front of an audience. But the nerves no longer existed now. Instead replaced with emotion which she could carry into her voice. She sat at an old piano, it's wood stained, marked and scratched with the wood peeling from age. The wires had been changed but the keys were the originals, known only because they now took on a dark yellow where they had once been white. She took a seat on an old stool and tried one of the keys, pressing her foot on the pedal to check they were functional. Annabelle couldn't play much on the instrument. But she'd been learning so that she could back her voice with something other than silence. She took a calming breath, exhaling deeply before she pressed her fingers over the keys, beginning her song as she sang about one of the few things the King couldn't take away from them, love. [center][youtube]zNpeK7sDLzE[/youtube][/center]