Thanks for being so accepting of it ^^ Yeah, I was planning on organizing the effects of the characters once the core cast was made and the protagonist subsequently fleshed out. I'd prefer to wait for stuff like that for when we name the protagonist but if you want to make a character based on a specific part of her growth then go ahead! Monsters are fine for sure, just remember that it the world is based off of her bright childhood with some darkened elements due to the cancer. So there will be more inspiration drawn from Alice in Wonderland and the Hobbit rather than Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones, despite how much many of us like those things xD. Think colour and whimsical insanity rather than Elves, Dwarves and Orcs. Now that I think of it, I never see a Wonderland setting anymore, Tolkien is still the king XD. Maybe a change in character could be good simply because that CS seems fairly uninspired. I'd hate to see any of you RP as a character that you aren't inspired to write for. So in your best interest, (Which might seem a bit forward since you just introduced yourself) I'd say redo or rethink it until you find something more natural and something that very clearly piques your own interest when you write for it. Rune: Take your time, rushing isn't fun in the long run :P Once again, I'm assuming things about you. I should probably stop that, I'm much less accurate with you than anybody else xD