Two quick questions. Is the jungle in Ora a rainforest (I just did a quick wikipedia search and discovered that there is a difference) and is the light green north of the jungle grassland? [Hider=Ailbanor][b]Nation name:[/b] Ailbanor [b] Demonym[/b] Ailboi / Ailbai (sg. Ailbos / Ailbē) [b]Location on map:[/b] [hider2=Map][img=][/hider2] [b]Race:[/b] Elves [b]Type of government:[/b] Confederacy of Four Kingdoms (Kingdoms of the Emudrim, Rhawath, Thōrrim, and Amlugrim). The majority in each kingdom belong to one of four clans (Emudrim, Rhawath, Thōrrim, Amulugrim). [b]Administration:[/b] Each Kingdom in Ailbanor runs independently from one another, each with a “Philosopher King” as a ruler. All four kingdoms are tied together by both common origin and religious customs. Each kingdom houses a temple dedicated to one of the four “guardians”, spirits who serve as secondary deities to their main deity, Chammaidon. [b]Faction:[/b] Galan League. While the Ailboi would prefer to stay out of the conflict, they are still loyal to the Galan League for two reasons. First, the Ailboi frown upon any kinslaying, so fighting against the Galan League would be out of the question (the majority of Galan League member nations have Elf majorities). Furthermore, the Ailboi disapprove the democratic type of government in place at Cesia, which, in the Ailboi eyes, maximizes ignorance. [hider2=Emudrim][b]Emudrim[/b] – POV Faction [b]Ruler:[/b] Hydrigon [b]Capital:[/b] Evolonē [b]Guardian:[/b] Aibereth [b]Emblem:[/b] Turtle [/hider2] [hider2=Rhawath][b] Rhawath [/b] [b]Ruler:[/b] Morphiniel [b]Capital:[/b] Hulētalath [b]Guardian:[/b] Leainiril [b]Emblem:[/b] Lioness [/hider2] [hider2= Thōrrim][b] Thōrrim [/b] [b]Ruler:[/b] Orvidil [b]Capital:[/b] Aëtoubar [b]Guardian:[/b] Gwairon [b]Emblem:[/b] Eagle [/hider2] [hider2= Amulugrim][b] Amulugrim [/b] [b]Ruler:[/b] Ruinvagor [b]Capital:[/b] Drakost [b]Guardian:[/b] Puraran [b]Emblem:[/b] Dragon (Chinese Variant) [/hider2] [b]Lifestyle:[/b] [i]Fashion:[/i] The Ailboi initially used the native fashion of their elven kin. However, once they arrived in Ora, the Ailboi were fascinated by the “exotic” clothing of the Aithedain who lived in the lands where the Ailboi now occupy. The Ailboi adapted their own clothing materials and weaving styles with the available resources in Ora and the clothing styles that were used by the indigenous humans. While this type of clothing is used as informal clothing for the Ailboi, they also developed a second style for both formal occasions (religious festivals and diplomatic meetings). This style of clothing is similar to Greek clothing for the men and Minoan for the women. [i]Religion:[/i] - Chammaidon (Head) ‘Great Craftsman’ - Puraran(Fire) ‘King of Fire’ - Summer - Aibereth (Water) ‘Queen of the Seas’ - Winter - Gwairon (Wind) ‘Great Wind’ - Spring - Leainiril (Earth) ‘Lady of the Lionesses’ - Fall In Ailboi mythology, Chammaidon created the universe. By his hand, he crafted both the elves and the four angelic guardians. Each guardian is in charge of protecting one of the four Ailboi houses. In exchange for their protection, each Ailboi house is in charge of the worship of its respective guardian. Each guardian’s festival corresponds with a season (see above). Chammaidon guided the Ailboi to their current lands after they left the old Elven homeland behind. Once there, Chammaidon revealed the “forbidden” knowledge to the Ailboi as a reward for their restraint from seeking it back in the Elven homeland. However, since Chammaidon taught them this knowledge, they did not suffer the curses that the other elven houses did. This knowledge is fundamental to the Ailboi philosophy that they learned from Chammaidon. The Ailboi believe that through their trust in Chammaidon, they would be forever eternal through the process of Metempsychosis (~reincarnation). Even if their bodies would be destroyed, the Ailboi soul would live on. However, only a small percent of Ailboi would remember their previous lives and they first have to live out one lifetime in the body of one of the indigenous animals of their realm. Therefore, due to the transfer of souls into animal bodies, the Ailboi refuse to eat any meat (even fish) and they have a unique link with the natural fauna of Ailbanor. Due to the transfer of souls after death, traditionally, the Ailboi would seek out their “soulmate” at each of the four Ailboi festivals. The Ailboi use a ritual where each daughter would receive a special necklace while the sons carve out a stone that can be inserted into the necklace of their “soulmate”. However, recently, some Ailboi have decided to forgo this ritual and marry freely. When one of the spouses (if they are united through the previously described ritual) dies, if the deceased partner retains their memory from their previous life when they are reincarnated as an animal, the reincarnate partner will seek out their past partner and will live with the partner as a Familiar. [i]Economy:[/i] Due to the Mellurn trees (see history), the Ailboi can produce products otherwise impossible in their location. [indent]- [b]Specialty[/b]: Fruits (Oranges, Strawberries, Cocoa beans), Weapons (Amulugrim specialty, although the Ailboi are masters of bowmaking). - [b]Needs[/b]: Metals [/indent] [i]Links:[/i] (anything in this NS that contradicts the below links should be considered the correct information) -[url=]Elven Characteristics[/url] -[url=]Elven Customs[/url] -[url=]Elven Life Cycle[/url] [b]History:[/b] The Ailboi Elves have a common tie with the Norin Elves. Long ago, before Norium was founded, the elves lived peacefully together. According to Ailboi tradition, a great dispersal occurred when many of the elves sought knowledge hidden by the gods, the same knowledge that cursed humanity with morality and hardship. The Ailboi were able to resist the temptation of their curiosity. While they continued to live easily and peacefully, some of the other elves learned the hardships of mortal life. The Ailboi voluntarily departed from the elven homeland in order to prevent any kindkilling. The Ailboi, guided by their patron deity, Chammaidon, sailed southward until they landed in Ora. When the Ailboi reached Ora, they found that the majority of Ora’s terrain was unsuitable for their lifestyle. These wondering elves eventually found the rainforests in the south as the most suitable location in Ora. When the Ailboi started to found their cities, they planted special trees (Mellurn) at the sites of their cities. These trees eventually cross-pollenated with the native flora, creating Mellurn trees suitable for the tropical climate. These trees are vital to the Ailboi economy because these trees both restores important nutrients into an otherwise poor soil and they gather extra energy form their leaves, allowing crops to be grown nearby these trees. The Ailboi discovered that indigenous humans already occupied some areas of the rainforest, although a greater concentration of humans lived in the plains just east of Jonhfeir. The Ailboi called these men the Aithedain. Also, the Ailboi use this name (Ailboi) for themselves because even in this tropical climate, the skin of these elves never darkened, but remained as pale as it was back in their homeland. While the Ailboi are supportive of their other elven kin, they highly disapprove of kinslaying. When Pern I was subduing the other elven houses in Agra, the Ailboi refused to send any help. The Ailboi held the same policy during the chaotic civil war after the death of the last Drell monarch. Once the kinslaying ended, the Ailboi returned diplomatic relations with Norium. The Ailboi will gladly help defend any kingdom of elves against any other elves; only under the most extreme circumstances would the Ailboi kill any elven kin. [b]Fauna/Flora:[/b] Including, but not limited to Congolese fauna/flora. [b]Magic:[/b] All magical crafts require years of practice and training. The most prominent magical crafts involve either crafting (weapons and buildings) or healing. Elemental magic is also learnable by the Ailboi, but it takes more dedication to learn. Also, elemental magic also rely on the Law of the Conservation of Energy. For instance, an Ailboi can cause water to condense from the air, but they cannot cause it to shot out in a torrent of water. Usually each Ailboi house has a preference toward the elemental magic of their guardian (see above list). [b]Military:[/b] Each “kingdom” of Ailbanor is in charge of its individual military. Furthermore, each kingdom only has a small standing army and the rest of the military is composed of citizen warriors. In general, archery is the mainstay of the Ailboi military. Besides the Rhawath, cavalry forces are either minimal or none existant. Ailboi infantry are neither exceptional nor abysmal. The Ailboi prefer using guerrilla warfare within their heavily wooded tropical forest, allowing their arrows and the terrain itself to defeat their foes. The Rhawath use Parthian tactics to simulate their woodland kin in the open plains. The Ailboi navy is above average (although the Amlugrim does not have one because they do not have any ports). The Emudrim are the best of the Ailboi at sea. They are famed for their Turtle Ships, heavily armored ships that are good at ramming ships and protecting onboard archers from enemy fire. While their numbers are small, they are a force to be reckoned with. [b]Enemies:[/b][hider2=Swartedhil][b]Name:[/b] Swartedhil (sing. Swartedhel) / ‘Black’ Elves [b]Description[/b] Ghostly pale skin, white / titanium blonde hair, slightly shorter stature than Ailboi. Genetically unrelated to the other Elfkin. [b]History:[/b] The Swartedhil were the dominate race on Ora prior to the arrival of the Ailboi. They lived in the desert on the Eastern portion of Ora. At first, the Ailboi did not bother with the Swartedhil; however, once the Swartedhil became more aggressive toward the south, the four houses of the Ailboi mustered a force large enough to push back the invasion of the Black Elves and even to cause the collapse of Swartálfaheim, the kingdom of the Black Elves. The Black Elves almost were driven into extinction from the Ailboi counteroffensive, if some went into hiding, biding their time to strike back at their ancient enemies. [b]Faction:[/b] Neither. They would enjoy seeing both sides burn if they could. [/hider2] [hider2=Rithanemē][b]Name:[/b] Rithanemē (pl. Rithanemai) / Harpies [b]Description[/b] Giant bird-human hybrids (female-only), over 6 feet tall, woman’s head and torso attached to a giant bird’s body. Square-cube law makes their lifespan extremely short. [b]History[/b] The Rithanemai only recently crossed over into Ailboi territory, particularly the three wooded realms to the south. Once it reached maturity, the adult “harpy” seeks out a humanoid “mate-victim” for fathering children. Once its chicks have reached adolescence, the mother “harpy” usually dies off (usually after the ten-year mark). Then the cycle begins all over again. The “harpies” usually pick humans as their victims; however, Ailboi have recently been targeted too. Who knows what this will result in... [b]Faction:[/b] They’re “animals”, they live to survive. [/hider2] [/Hider]