Victor Vladov was walking the streets, hands jammed in his pockets when the attack happened. Hell, he had watched it happen, standing off in the shadows, naturally out of sight, taking in the information that he was seeing, and as soon as more of the PMC's friends showed up, he bailed, taking the backstreets back to his office, but not before the explosion rocked the day, causing him to glance back and see the mess that it caused. Well, this was going to make life a lot more miserable. By the time he got back to his office, the small network of bounty hunters, small time informants, and other people who lent the detective a hand had already rung him up or emailed him, a whole mess of information about this crack down the city was undergoing, what it was doing to the various jobs, and where was safe and where wasn't. This was a mess, and as he watched both the terrorist's broadcast and the governor's, he couldn't help but start laughing. And he couldn't stop, just laughing outright at the sheer insanity, and brazeness, of this new terrorist. Corruption WAS how things worked this day and age, you couldn't just torch it out at this point, you'd bring down the fucking economy. The governor's response wasn't any better, that was going to just start a shooting war, and he didn't give two shits about the mess that it made for folks in between. And men and women like Victor, who worked the shadier side of things more often than not, would be getting set up to have to run around and clean shit up, tidy up loose ends, and keep themselves alive in the process. Well damn, this was going to be one busy time for him, and he sighed, leaning back in his office chair, looking at the mess of cross referenced notes and information. None of it was solid, and he had already ditched some half assed schemes that made absolutely no sense, even to a conspiracy theorist. He had a phone there, and he had been fielding calls from people, a lot of them wanting to know what was going on, and offering good money for it too. Well, guess this was a job now, he had to figure out just what happened, and why? Grabbing his phone, he needed to keep it on him, and throwing a jacket over his shoulder rig, where his two .45's were kept, he stepped out into the world, sticking to the back streets and shadows because of the lock down. He was expecting more calls still, and put his phone on vibrate, instead of ringer, and skulked along the allies, dodging PMC's that were stopping people on the streets. and the dirty cops he knew of, more than ready to have to fight to actually get clear of someone if he misjudged them right now. He needed to go to the library right now, but he knew that place was going to be locked down tighter than a nun's virginity, so he was going to have to go and be cunning about this. Arriving, he kept naturally to the shadows, looking at the sheer amount of security the place had, and how there was no way those federal goons were letting him in if he flashed his badge, like that orc that normally ran the door. Besides, that orc knew him, he frequented the place as a jumping off point for a lot of his work, digging through older information in there to lead him along to more recent stuff, and to eventually find what he wanted. People didn't use libraries much anymore, not paper ones at any rate, and he noted the amount of security the place had. Might as well give it a shot, he had other plans if he needed to. Victor took out his phone and dialed up Lilin, the head librarian of the place and he got along admirably with her. He treated her library with all due respect, and she let him access most of it without too much trouble. Granted, that fancy vault was off limits, but he figured that was the real reason this place was swamped with federal goons rather than to protect the books. She was probably pissed as all hell right now, but probably in charge of this. He might be able to get in with her say so, but only maybe, it was worth a shot. If she picked up, he spoke calmly, with a hint of amusement in his voice. [b]"Afternoon Lilin, its Victor. Seems your entertaining quite the house party right now, aren't you? Whats your read on this whole mess?"[/b]