[Indent]Leaf sat on the edge of one of the rafters lining the ceiling in his bar. His back was leaning against the wall near the end of the bar and from here he could see most of the building and all its occupants. He looked at all the faces of the patrons at his bar, some very familiar, others first timers in his little hole in the wall. Looking at it from up here his bar didn't look anything like just a ‘hole in the wall’, in front of him he saw his life, and all its shortcomings, all its missteps, finally becoming resolute. He thought for a moment about the recent news he had received, took a long drag from his cigarette, then jumped down to land on the bar, surprising the couple sitting there.[/indent] [Indent]Leaf’s first instinct was to go straight after the Yakuza’s head and all there hands, but after a few brief moment of reflection he knew better. The Yakuza were growing stronger with each day and his crew seemed to be shrinking by the hour. By now he had made his way to the stock behind the bar and was pulling out some of his best Scotch. Then he pulled out three shot glasses from the small compartment in the middle of the bar, just under the cash register, and began pouring the shots, looking back up now finding his target over by the farthest pool tables he had. When something big like this happened, most of his gang stayed near this end of the bar, right in front of the entrance. As he hopped back over the bar, receiving strange looks from all but the bartenders who acted like they couldn't even see him, many of the men on his crew looked up with questioning looks on each one of their faces, each one was wondering what the hell he could be doing. [/indent] [indent]The two boys did not hear him approach, they didn’t even notice there leader casting a shadow directly on them, close enough to strike death blows to both of them, but that would never happen here, not while he was alive at least. Both the boys were Halflings and stood almost a foot under him, so when they finally did turn around he was already on there backside again setting the tray of drinks down on the table. As the boys turned around he sent a thought to the bartenders to give everyone in the bar a round, and then as the bar began to cheer seeing all the cups being filled, he raised two fingers in the air. The entire bar fell silent, even the small groups of newcomers here and there didn't make a move in there seats, he was front and centre. [/indent] [indent]“Last night three of my men were brutally murdered!” He stopped for a moment and saw the boy in front of him on his left, Eddy, start to tear up for a moment, and he used his powers to lift his glasses up momentarily to catch a glimpse of the boys eyes. He filled his heart with bravery in all its shining glory in that moment, he didn't know how that would effect the boy overall but for the moment not another tear fell from the boy’s face. He continued his announcement. [/indent] [indent]“As of right now i have no idea who is responsible, but no one crosses us like this and lives to tell the story, i'll have everyone know, here and now, that the retaliation will be swift, and it will be just. Tonight we raise our glasses in the memory of those boys, and in salute to their sacrifice, I never meant for anyone to get hurt for like this. Just not like this…” Leaf faded into the recluses of his mind for a moment and when he returned everyone was still looking at him, waiting. [/indent] [indent]“Drink damn you!” and they drank, not a single person glancing back in his direction as he handed each one of the boys one of the shots. He then motioned for them to follow him and he took them to his private office just behind the bar’s wall of assorted liquor, from there you could really see the bar without being noticed. The array of colors shining through glass cast a rainbow across his office, as he walked in he looked back to the boys and motioned for them to take a seat on the couch adjacent to that wall. He then looked at them again and took his glasses off. Both of the boys’ mouths dropped open and they looked at him in awe, just as he had suspected the boy hadn't even notice his eyes before, his powers seem to be running away with him of late. [/indent] [indent]“Im sure you boy’s are wondering what the hell you're doing here, but i assure you I know neither of you had anything to do with the deaths of your brothers.” He then gave them a broad genuine smile, at which point both boys began to loosen up, he then pointed to the drinks in there hands. “See boys these cups ain't no ordinary shot glasses, and the scotch in them is rather good to. Imported from-. I'm getting carried away aren't I.” He laughed scratching the back of his head, his face then in a split second returned to normal. “You see as a young boy I lost someone very close to me, and I know how hard it must be for both of you, I also know that both of you don’t have anywhere to stay, so if you will, you can stay with me at my house just behind the bar.” [/indent] [indent]There faces at this point where ones of utter bewilderment, they obviously couldn't believe what they were hearing. He then noticed the glasses still in his and the boys hands.[/indent] [indent]“I swear i'm losing my edge everyday, these glasses, you see there very special. When all three of them clink together for the first time, well lets just do it ,eh? Its much funner to watch.” He then held his glass out for the boys to toast with him. The boys were dumbstruck by what they saw in front of them. The room lit up from the glasses they held in their hands, and the scotch inside was turned into a black liquid, sparks sizzled across the top of the liquor. [/indent] [indent]“It looks scary but I promise you, you will have one of the best days of your life tomorrow. You will smell scents you’ve never experienced, see things in lights never seen. You will breathe the cleanest air every conjured by the Gods. They call it The Glass of Life, and if you boys didn't drink it i would be extremely upset. Not just because of you will be denying one of lifes true pleasure, but well see, each one of these cups cost close to three thousand dollars. So um... Just drink boys” He then watched as both of them drank the Liquid and set the cups on the small table in front of them. He slammed his, and when he was dont he showed them the small sphere of glass the cup gave you after you threw if with full for against the table. He was left with a bright golden ball.[/indent] [indent]“The better the liquor, the nicer the color of the ball see. Its odd old magic, but it still amazes me as much as it did when i was a child. To be honest” He looked both the boys in the eyes, “This is probably the best liquor i've ever put in these cups.” smashing the remaining cups he gave each boy there ball. “Now. Go. Have fun, find some pretty girl to dance with. Tomorrow you will both be reassigned to my personal squad. Be ready, our first mission will be in a weeks time. I will keep you posted. Now go. I have to strike a deal with a Devil ive been meaning to contact for some time now.” Shooing them toward the door he went to his desk, opening it and finding the little business card laying there, covered in dust. He picked it up and blew the dust off it seeing the numbers there now.[/indent]