"Reports are saying this girl was mauled by the black bears recently sighted in the area. No one witnessed the attack and a hole was pointed out in the Jones' surveillance in the Hemlock Grove. Some are asking what the real point of them is when they aren't where they are needed..." The reporter signed off and soon sent the news anchor safe in the studio a wave back to taking charge. Genesis rolled her eyes as she flipped around the channels. Her cameras had stayed out of certain places because of privacy issues. They were mostly centered on the major roads and municipal places. With a shrug Genesis lit a cigarette. Her mother was due back late tonight, not that Genesis would ever fathom staying up to wait for her. No, tomorrow she would wake up early and Jamison would chauffeur her to the college and drop her off. She would sign up for mostly fluff classes and one or two science classes to keep her mother off her back. Genesis was smart, smart enough to know just how much she would need to do to get by. On bare feet she padded through the empty house, the cigarette still between her lips as she pushed open the heavy wood and wrought iron doors. The evening wasn't so late yet for it to be pitch black out, but it was the sky was darkening. Genesis leaned against the open door as she stared out over the grounds. Her thoughts trailed back to Shad, the guy she'd met at the diner. She hadn't seen him since their first meeting, but her determination to have him hadn't faded. As she inhaled on her cig she made a note to not stay up too late before closing the door behind her. With her cig perched between her lips, the young woman made her way to the greenhouse and disappeared within. She was going to go through the footage, maybe if she found something for the city they wouldn't be such harsh critics of her cameras.