As the silence stretches on Tatsuki glances up to see the light flush coloring his host's skin. [i]'I wonder if it's too hot in here for him. It would be kind of funny if the owner of a hot spring had a low tolerance for heat'[/i] Tatsuki can, if he really wants to, find out exactly why Shigetoshi is flushing. Or, for that matter, how he is really feeling about the shinigami. However, something about the young man makes him want to find out these things the old fashioned way so instead of dipping into his soul, Tatsuki remains silent and waits for Shigetoshi's response. His eyes trail over the other male as he settles into the water, the moonlight catching on his steam moistened hair as he tilts his head back to the sky. He openly admires the man before him, the distant look in his eyes and the pearl like quality of his skin creating a beautiful picture for the shinigami as he waits. [i]'I wonder how many nights he has done this exact thing. Being all alone up here, no one but his guests to talk to. It must be difficult to be around people all the time without really being able to talk to them. Not really. They are just here in passing, and have no real care for the life and worries of the man that serves them. And Shigetoshi-kun. . . .He is the kind of man who takes his job seriously. He must have so many worries he can never express due just to the nature of his work, and his dedication to keeping his guests happy'[/i] Finally the other speaks again and Tatsuki is drawn out of his revery. He can feel a twinge of disappointment at the obviously not quite ready to believe him complete tone that his host has, but he smiles none the less. [i]'This means I can stay, and I am glad in that I will be able to spend more time relaxing, and speaking with this kind young man'[/i] He shakes his head at what Shigetoshi says next and is ready to speak up about it, assuring the young innkeeper that he's quite alright, but a moment later he gets a face full of water. The suddenness and unexpected action from the younger male has Tatsuki frozen on the spot for a few seconds, but when Shigetoshi swims off to the middle of the spring, smiling at the shinigami playfully, a smile finds it's way to his own lips and like a predator Tatsuki sinks into the water and begins stalking his prey. When in range his hand snaps out and he sends a perfect jet of water spraying across Shigetoshi and he chuckles lightly, his head barely above the water. He duck away a bit to avoid any backlash and responds with another jet of water. It has been a long time since Tatsuki has played in this way, so he enjoys it while it lasts.