[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/2pEWQ9K.jpg][/center][b]Nation name[/b][hider=The (United) Usagi Federation][i]Long ago, they were simple, gentle people mostly consisting of farmers, but then they accidentally stumbled upon something terrible that almost lead to their complete extinction. Desert creatures, organized and warlike, came into their land in hordes, pillaging their villages and killing their people. This is what spurred the creation of the Federation, when the enemy had cornered their people against the mountains, and there was no more hope of escape. A few brave Usagi fought against their instincts and managed to successfully unite their kin, bringing them together under one, hastily made banner for the first time. Together, using weapons stolen from their foes or hastily crafted from tree branches and stones, they drove back the unsuspecting enemy and eventually managed to drive them from their lands. It was then that the Usagi realized their strength, how they could organize in great numbers to overcome obstacles much larger than themselves. One Usagi in particular, by the name of Usa, went on to form the greatest of the great Clans, and his motto became the unofficial motto of their entire species. The federation is large, and their people many, but even after being hardened by the world the Usagi people are not particularly aggressive or warlike. They are content with their territory, so long as no others threaten it.[/i][/hider][b]Race[/b][hider=Usagi][i]The Usagi are classified as Demi-humans, possessing humanoid bodies and features while sporting minor, animal-like attributes. Particularly, a pair of long, rabbit like ears and a fluffy tail located on their backside. A fully grown Usagi usually stands at near the height of a human child at the cusp of adolescence, while their children are notoriously small and hard to get a hold of. Usagi Chieftains can be identified by their body paint, but they usually have some other sort of defining feature that determines their official title as a Chief, such as a notched ear or different coloured eye. [/i] [i][u]Pros:[/u][/i] [i]-Agile -Animalistic (Strong senses, instincts, bodies.) -Strong food production (Hunting, Fishing, Agriculture.) -Stealthy -Quick learning -Demi-human (Gets along well with humans.) -Social[/i] [u][i]Cons:[/i][/u] [i]-Animalistic (Low intelligence, poor industry and metalworking.) -Unskilled riding -Small (Relatively.) -Obvious weak spot (Ears.) -Cowardly when alone -Sensitive; Very empathetic with other Usagi -Claustrophobic[/i] [/hider][b]Type of government[/b][hider=Federation][i]Normally, the many Usagi Chiefs hold authority over their own Clans, governing economic, religious and military activity while cooperating with the other Clans wherever they must. They often work together on matters, but at their core they remain independent entities. In times of war, the Chiefs gather to elect one among their numbers to function as Warchief, who takes command of the Usagi people as a single, united being. When there is a disagreement between Clans, the Chiefs meet together to discuss a solution, as they understand what would happen if even a handful of Usagi Clans pulled from the Federation. The most influential clans are sometimes referred to as the "Great" clans, which consist of Clan Usa, Clan Iga, Clan Cherry, Clan Hornet, Clan Blossom and Clan Mars.[/i][/hider][b]Faction[/b][hider=Leaning towards the Ingria League][i]While their distance from the war and general lack of interest stop them from fully joining in the conflict, the newly appointed Warchief Masah has been in communication with the Ingria League and has discussed the possibilities of joining the conflict on the condition that the Usagi people be given metal tools and weapons, which they are unable to make themselves. The dealings have not yet been concluded, nor has Masah made a decisive decision to join the League, but there is definitely the possibility for them to join in the future.[/i][/hider][b]Ruler[/b][hider=Warchief One-Eyed Masah][i]A brilliant and warlike Usagi from Clan Usa, hailed as the most intelligent and perceptive Usagi for centuries. Raised into power recently in anticipation of danger, so that he would have time to establish his control and position before the Federation was threatened. His mate was slain by the beast that took his right eye, and ever since he's been believed to possess some kind of supernatural vision, leading to him sometimes being called "Farsight" along with "One-Eyed". He believes strongly in Clan Usa's motto, "Small of body, Big of Heart", and has many close comrades within both Clan Iga and Clan Rivergold, who helped him rise to power. He is distinguished by his blood red body and face paint, fanged necklace, eyepatch and single, deep blue eye. His skin is caramel in colour, with flowing white hair and fur. Despite his popularity among the Clans, some claim he has "seen too much", or disagree with his communications with the Ingria League. All things aside, he cares about the safety of his people, even beyond his own clan, and will go to great lengths to ensure they never have to face his despair. [/i][/hider][b]Capital[/b][hider=Giant's Heart][i]Located between the great arms of the Mountain Range, Giant's Embrace, Giant's Heart is a lush region surrounding a large oasis-like lake, from which the Sunlight River originates. It has been part of the Usagi's territory for longer than any can remember, and it is the source of their people's great prosperity. Protected on all sides by natural barriers, the Giant's Heart is the final bastion of safety for the Usagi People, and also the location where all the clans meet in times of need.[/i][/hider]