Renault dances in to this little forum and chat room. A grin on his rather too perfect lips as he smiles at any individuals who happen to visit this particular thread. "Why Hello one and all! My meager name is Renault, a wandering traveler, a bard without song, a courtier without speed, a psychic when paid, an all around handyman, songman and uplifting individual. If you seem to require my services, your mother obviously didn't raise you right, yet by all means call on me. I'm always more than willing to oblige!" With a grin, a wink, a hop and tapping of his rather nice looking shoes, Renault danced around the currently empty thread, breaking the fourth wall for his own introduction as he strummed odd and varied notes and chords on his instrument, something between a guitar, lyre, and ukulele as he smiled at any and all who happened to happen upon his introduction. Not knowing how this sort of thing (a forum introduction) usually went, he left it to the knowledge of those more acquainted with the system, silently (except for the music) waiting for them to make the first move.