Becky always thought that there was nothing more surprising than when things started to fall out from under you, but what turned out to be more surprising was getting caught by someone. When the ladder stopped wobbling, her gaze turned downward to see the good looking man she had been glancing over at (doing her best not to stare) had caught the ladder. A grateful smile moved across her full lips as her cheeks turned a shade of pink with embarrassment. She normally wasn’t clumsy; in fact she normally had wonderful balance but something about him just kind of, well, threw her off. Climbing down the ladder upon his instruction, she gave him a smile keeping her book tucked tightly under her arm as she used both hands to stable herself on her way down. “Yes Pompeii, such a fascinating culture. Sad ending though but fascinating in its own right!” Her voice held an excitement like one would hear from a child who was asked what their favorite candy was or favorite Disney movie. She was a weird one though; she enjoyed certain topics for a length of time but it tended to lead her towards something else than her fascination is completely overtaken by that. Then something else pops up and she’s gone again. It’s not that she lacked discipline, an attention span or anything of that nature, she just learns until she wants to learn something new. Simple, right? Once she was safely on the ground, she turned to face him. The fact that he introduced himself as ‘the Doctor’ made her beam. So he wasn’t just a pretty face, he had knowledge too. It takes a lot of time and training to be a doctor of something. Taking his large hand in her small one she shook it. “Pleasure Doctor, I’m Becky. What is your Doctorate in? Ancient cultures?” She asked guessing by his liking of Pompeii it seemed like a logical guess, even given his goofy nature, he came across as well educated. Before he could answer, the rumbling of his stomach echoed and she looked down, her eyebrows rose and she turned her caramel gaze back to his face. “Maybe not a doctor of food.” She said playfully. “I don’t mean to be forward but do you want to go get something to eat? Books are always going to be here but a doctor is not someone I commonly run into. I’d love to pick your brain on some things if you have the time.”