interest check for a sword art online rp, it will follow after the cannon of the original sword art online. it was over, finally over. everything was finally done, we were freed from the game and were able to enter and leave it as we please now. although a true gamer just cant stay away from a game like this. now the seed was growing and theirs hundreds of worlds to enter for us and we can enter and leave at will. although their is always going to be someone who takes it to far. now were the new gamers that came so will we fight together, fight on our own, or even go as far as to start our guild and beat the game that was made for us. I don't know that for sure but what I do know is that ill fight till the very end and beat this game name: age: how you found the game (ex: I saw it on the news and wanted to try now that it was safe): weapon(s) of choice: (skills will be identified as: sneak skill, locking picking skill, battle skill. etc. if any questions pm me) skill 1 (highest skill): skill 2 (medium skill): skill 3 (lower skill): class (I wanted to add this idea like thief, warrior, beast tamer, or what can pop into your head just gm me with an idea) personality: appearance (picture or good description): other: