Tapping and typing away at her keyboard was Sloan's specialty. Searching databases encrypted and public for information on this man and his message. She started her search on his face, datamaps and scans of the face were compared across United States, and the newly independent Texas databases for facial recognition. No matches. Of course it wouldn't be that easy, it was just her luck that this man's face happened to have zero connections anywhere. Perhaps his words gave a hint. Searching frantically, 'Our Father's Fathers' only gave brief references to a time 3-4 years ago when the nation was far more united. "[i]I guess that's what he was getting at. Not that it helps.[/i]" She thought. The guns were just about all AK-47s, but they're all different. None seem to have the same make or models as one another. Her database inquiry shifts to one more ambiguous. Before long, she finds enough to contact her benefactor, over her 'line', if you could call it that. The security was overbearing and it was untraceable, but the connection bugged her with patchy availability. It wouldn't cut in and out, but when it was available wasn't really up to her. Perhaps it was a bug in the code. "[i]I'll get Serenity to work on that.[/i]" She thinks. After moments of ringing, the man picks up on the other end. [i]"I've found out some of what you'd like to know."[/i] She tells him. [i]"But you claimed to be a member of the Algera Corporation. So I've come to three conclusions. The first is that you're trying to gather information on someone with whom you've got a score to settle. The second is that you're testing just how off-the-grid you are. The third is that you don't belong to Algera and are some sort of misinformed agent. I checked your wire, and the money is there, so I doubt that you're trying to set me up, so here is what I know. Strangely enough, the man's face has no matches on the North American facial recognition network. Unless it's convincing make up or some sort of shapeshifting magic, this guy is as clean as a whistle. Secondly I checked his words. Again, nothing turned up. Next were the firearms. Firstly was weapons trafficking outlets that specialize in the sale of the gun based in North America. No matches. Further examination on the weapons found several of them to be mimics from oversea's manufacturers. No weapons trafficking organizations have any documented or theorized trades for large amounts of AK-47s. Nor were any shipments reported missing or stolen. As far as I can tell the weapons were simply gathered. The interior of the building was all but bland, and didnt give me much to work with. There was however, a box with a typographic logo of an 'L' in the corner of the screen. Cross referencing on regional and global databases while ruling out ridiculous companies, I was able to find a certain company under the name of 'Luminescence'. They specialize, or specializ[b]ed[/b], in defense and security. Typically they sell automated systems for buildings spanning personal, commercial, and federal use. Public record dictates that prior to their new CEO's promotion the company's licensing was voided. The same records show several PMC's that've purchased systems or services from Luminescence. They are under the names of Red Fire Initiative located in Houston, Ranger Operations which has several global cells, and finally an [b]Algera Corporate[/b]. Though, you're not exactly a PMC. Regardless, the name came up.Hence my suspicion from earlier. According to this, there was [b]quite[/b] the amount of work done on your Corporate Office building. You may want to get this checked out, by the way. Most of their security details have gone public, which means your offices probably aren't as secure as you'd think. So, in terms of direction, I'd suggest you find your security contractor and [b]persuade[/b] them give up some information on their other clients. Particularly this 'Our Father's Fathers' figure. If you get back to me with a name or other details, I can assist you further. I'll write you in my clientele roster as 'Algera Rep', until otherwise informed." [/i] With that, she wraps up her call with the mysterious stranger. As always, she double checks the security on her line and system to find them fully secure. Before long, she yawns and stretches. Her searching had left here there for some time. Though, she never really notices when she is in the zone. Her office itself is unnoticeable. Sometimes she spends days in it, with the exception of eating. Though, she never really got around to furnishing it. There's a bean bag chair, and all of her computer equipment on her hardwood floor. The room was only the size of a walk-in closet, most of which was occupied by her servers. But who could blame her? She always thought it was cozy. The rest of her loft was, too, but she was much less at home there, then she was in here. A Knock on the rim her her door draws her attention. Coincidentally, she was still holding the phone, processing what she and her benefactor had just discussed. She looks up. [i]"Serenity?"[/i]