Alison: The first man would close the door once the three were in, and as the car was about to pull away they would hear a girl shouting for them to wait. The driver stops as a girl in black pants and shirt come running up. She spoke to the first man for a second before he opened the door again so that she could climb in. Instead of getting in the back with Saria, like a someone else might have done, she instead climbed over Kas to the middle of the second row. She spoke to the driver for a moment before sitting down. She put her arms along the back of the seat behind each boy. "Hello boys. I'm Ali, and I have four or five things I need to tell ya." She said as the car pulled away from the curb. "First of all, I don't know if any of you thought of this, but This car is now bug free. When our driver got it there were a few hidden around, but he took care of that so we can talk freely. Secondly, I'm the one who delivered those letters you all received, but don't bother asking me about Mr. X. He hired me through a third party. Thirdly, I wasn't invited to this little get together, and I couldn't care less why you two were." She paused for a moment. "Actually, I take that back. I care if your secret puts others in danger. I'm only here for one, actually, two reasons. First off, I want to find out who Mr. X is. As I'm sure you do too, and secondly..." She turned around to face Saria. "How are you doing Little sister? It's been a while." She said with a big smile. --- Saria: Saria watched as the new girl came running up and climbed into the car. Something seemed very familiar about her, but she couldn't quite place it. She kept thinking about her sister, but she knew that wasn't possible. Her sister was dead....wasn't she? So, maybe her sister was still alive. She had arranged the death of Mara after all. Why couldn't she arrange for a false Elizabeth. She had known that the girl wouldn't climb into the back with her. It wasn't her style. She listened to Ali talk to the boys feeling more and more like this girl [b]was[/b] her sister, and her suspicions were confirmed when she turned around and asked how she was. "Oh! Wow! It's so good to see you again. I thought you were dead. I've been doing pretty good. How about you?"