Pepper was ever so thankful to hear that Bruce was here. He had gotten here a lot faster than she expected him to. She squeezed Tony's hand Whispering that she would be right back. Letting go she quickly rushed to the elevator pressing the lobby button a little harder than she normally did. Once the doors opened she walked out trying her best not to show how worried or panicked she really was. "Dr. Banner, thank you for coming so quickly," she greeted. She had only met him a couple of times and that was when Tony and him were together in the lab. Other than offering coffee or saying hello they hadn't said much. "I'll take you to Tony, he has a temperature... I gave him some medicine for that but I don't know. He's been acting odd and he says... He still has panic attacks..." she explained as she motioned for him to step into the elevator first. It didn't take long for the elevator to reach Tony's floor.