Serenity was laying on the couch re-reading an old favorite book when the attack went down. She might as well been home alone. Her cat, Wilson, was lounging around on top of her shoes by the door, and her roommate was off doing another odd job. Serenity didn't pay much attention to Sloan's business, but was always available to lend a hand if needed. Today was her self appointed day off of work as she was ahead of schedule and she felt like getting a head start on the weekend. Of course, she didn't have much to do that she cared about. She already read all the interesting sounding books from the last 100 years and was quickly running out of things to do. The gun fire rang loud and clear from the mansion, which was only down the road from Serenity's apartment. This didn't phase Serenity too much as this was to be expected, or at least to her it was. She knew that Texas would always have problems after succeeding form the US. She could hear the explosions loud and clear, but there she laid; reading. She was on the last chapter of the book [u]The Talos Mistake[/u] when the war started, so she saw it only fair to finish it, again. Closing the book, Serenity looked at Wilson, who was just as unfazed as she was. [b]"Tis the Texas life, huh Wilson?"[/b] Serenity says as she plops off the couch and walks over to pet Wilson. Wilson was rather pleased by this. Serenity knew just where to pet him and how. Blissfully happy, the cat turns over onto his back yearning for his belly to be rubbed. And, following suit, Serenity rubbed his belly as she talked some sort of baby alien language. None of it it was decipherable. This joyful experiance didn't last long for the cat though as the crazy lady made the same mistake she always makes. Serenity had rubbed his belly three times, and those that truly know cats can tell you that a cat only wants it rubbed twice. Obviously this was a declaration of war that could not go unpunished. Using all four paws and even his mouth, Wilson attacked the vile hand with a furry even greater than that of a woman's wrath. Of course he knew he couldn't harm the hand, as treacherous as it was. The number one rule is to never bite the hand that feeds you, and boy did serenity feed him. After attacking the hand with a small feint, the cat ran like the dickens to parts unknown until the time came to be fed. Which should be soon, if his stomach was as on time as it ever has been. Serenity sighed as her cat ran off. Though it was probably just as well, as she was starting to be ready for a snack or more so, dinner. Serenity decided to check with Sloan first to see if she had any input. She knew better than to just call down the hall for her; as much as it was rude, it also might interfere with her work. So, instead she just walked joyfully while keeping a eye out for her cat. She hesitated as she approached her door. She could hear that she was on the phone and tried not to listen in or make much of a racket as she waited. [b]"Sloan~"[/b] Serenity cooed, her eyes all the flutter once she heard the end click on the phone. She was left unheard as it seemed, however, as she didn't get any response. She wasn't insulted though. She could always tell that Sloan was very focused in her works. She gave it a few more seconds until she decided to knock on the door frame with a gentle rattatap-tap, which seemed to grab her attention as she was replied with a rather surprised "Serenity." Almost like it was a question. [b]"Hey, beautiful. Working hard I see."[/b] Serenity walked behind the workaholic a gave her a nice big huggle. [b]"So I was getting a bit hungry, and I wondered if you wanted to join me for dinner or even just a trip to the cafe. I'm not working today so we could go or do just about anything you wanted. Of course, if you're still busy that's cool too. I just wanted to let you know whats up."[/b] Serenity huggled Sloan some more as she waited for her reply.