[quote=manapool1] "yeah, first off keep your shirt with you unless your alone with me, there were some guys going out for a brawl so clean up there table if you could, and I guess I'll get the vommit in the bath room, as always" he said with a slight cheer to his voice as he poured another drink of whiskey and grabbed the mans credit card with a swipe and copying the numbers quickly before giving it back and looking to the girl that he lived with. "you seem happy, your not buzzed are you? your still ganna have to pay if you drink from the bar you know" [/quote] "I was talking about food asshole, not your work. Do that yourself, I'm not paying for a single drink after getting groped all evening, and you can fuck off if you think I'm going to drag a t-shirt around while I strip. Thank you so much." Marcy sighed, moving away from the bar and walking over to a small table. She got the order of two men and two women, they wanted some form of food and they didn't specify...because they were a bit too drunk. She shrugged and went back to the counter, squeezing between two men and handing Tobius the order before scampering off once again.