"How long can we trust the security of our doors and windows? How long do we have before those mechanical monsters burst through our security and butcher us all? We are out of time!" Welcome to the Dawn of New Societies, 2059. The world is currently at a stand-still, debating whether humans are an effective way to keep the World turning... or to continue with the Robotic Integration Program. The world has progressed through time, and the government has been focusing all of its money towards one thing - Mechanicalization. Bringing forth a new dawn of machines and replacing the humans. After 2059, the New Society will be chosen, and we'll be forced to either succumb to the robots... or die. Welcome to New York, where you are free to be whatever you could dream of. This RP is an open-world Roleplay, and you are free to create a story anywhere in AMERICA. You are free to literally be whatever form of human or robot you would want to be. Thug, politician, resistance leader, it doesn't matter. You can come up with any story from a day to day life, to a night time terrorist plot on a government building. Please keep everything detailed and interesting. CS can change, so be checking the OOC daily. [b]The Dawn of New Societies[/b] After Robert J. Keeln created the first Generalizing Robotic Assistant back in 2043, people have been building and programming robots to help them with daily life. So far to the point that the government have been building Sentry-Bots to move around and do what their soldiers can't. The World Powers have come together to decide once and for all what the fate of the Human Society has remaining. If they were to choose a Robot Society, where humans don't do anything, then they would release their millions of public bots onto the streets of American cities to do what humans do. If they decide upon a regular Human Society, then the robots would be held tight in a factory... until future use... While the world waits, a group of human resistance members, known as Electrons, broke into the Robot Generalization Inc. and reprogrammed each and every bot, hacking it with precise work. Each bot becoming a wireless killing machine. The humans of the world could only watch in horror as the robots walked through each city and town, murdering every soul and life to be found. The government finally realized that their robots could not be depended on... neither could the humans that hacked them. They send in the military, but they are pushed back into the hearts of states. That is, until the Electrons step in and help dispatch them, trying to earn the trust of the government. So who are you? A hero, trying hard to stop the robot armies from trampling the major cities? An artificial-intelligence run bot with a mind of its own? A bystander who watches as the world stands to burn? We'll soon find out... [b]OOC[/b] [b]Rules - You have to follow unless permanent removal from RP[/b] 1. Please respect each other and follow these rules. 2. I, and GMs, rules go. No questions asked. 3. Please do not use/come up with overpowered weaponry. Doesn't matter if it is a simple pistol or not. Be creative. 4. If you are going to have an interaction with a different person IC, please contact them OOC first, just so I know ahead of time. 5. Please have fun! 6. Please make all IC posts DETAILED. At least a paragraph. 7. You can have a maximum of 5 characters, but if you want more, please PM me. [b]Robots and AI Programming[/b] This is extra in case you planned on playing as a robot. You can be hacked and reprogrammed, but when creating a Robot CS, choose a specific Artificial Intelligence. [b]Artificial Intelligence Personality - Berzerk[/b] You are a total monster. This AI was programmed the fastest, with little firewall and protection on it, making it very easy to hack. Carrying this AI will cause your personality to be a lot more on edge and dangerous, and any enemies you run across are feared by you. [b]Artificial Intelligence Personality - Intelligent[/b] You prefer to be on the smart side of things. Keeping your studies up, and staying personal. Hard to hack and reprogram, but you are not as keen to violence. [b]Artificial Intelligence Personality - Combat[/b] Your main focus is the battlefield. Controlling your senses to fight off any and all enemies. Control and kill. Equally easy to hack and reprogram. [hider=Government] The government at the time is run by a team of 50 politicians, one from each state. In order for a new movement to be passed on, 90% of the team has to agree on it. Other than that, they are extremely stuck up and many of them are born into the government. The New Society Capitol is built around the north eastern coast, on the border of New York and Maine. [b]Current Government Members that are still alive[/b] James R. Yurend - New York Rep. Ryen I. Jones - Rhode Island Rep. Dan K. Isaac - Washington Rep. Mikhael J. Azhrukkaahl - International Societies Rep. (foreign representative) Sean R. Johns - Florida Rep. Tet M. Kyles - Texas Rep. You can become a member of the Political Society by putting it in your CS with the state you plan on representing! [/hider] [b]Character Sheets[/b] * - Robots only Name or Robot ID: Age: Occupation or Robotic Role: Artificial Intelligence*: Appearance: Biography (opt. for Robots): Weapon of Choice (keep to futuristic. lasers, plasma, electricity, etc. if too OP, it will be denied): Extra Information: I do have an IRC open for public access. The channel is Electrons. Just put a nickname in = [url=http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=web-5] Interest Thread - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/40172/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1197757]