[b]Name:[/b] Ireane (Eery-ahne) Ren [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Appearance:[/b] Ireane inherited the beauty that comes with Siren blood, and she is proud of it. Her yellow catlike eyes are brought out even more by her tinted skin, and her thick black hair accentuates her face perfectly. She is wary of wounds, as it takes a very long time for them to heal. She is vain like her Siren ancestors, and takes very good care of herself. As of the start of this story, she is wearing a scarf to cover up a slowly but nicely healing wound on her neck. She honors her origins by wearing a feather in her hair. She has a good figure, but doesn't break any records. As to not openly challenge Roger (& eventual alpha female) she keeps her nails at half length, but she refuses to shorten them further. Her transformation is a beautiful snow leopard, with sharp claws and a commanding roar. [hider=Transformation][img]http://www.gla-mur.ru/repository/fantasy/www.pcwalls.ru_4815.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]About:[/b] When she was born Ireane was destined to become the alpha of her tribe. Her life took a different turn however, when an unknown illness killed nearly all the members of the tribe. The remaining 3 could not rebuild the tribe, so instead they chose to join different tribes. Charming, beautiful and smart, Ireane managed to win the hearts of the members of the tribe, and after some years made it to beta female. This might not be enough to sate her ambition however, and Ireane will never forget that she is supposed to be an alpha female. Despite their many differences and her ambitions, she doesn't dislike Roger, although she does believe he should handle things differently. Inherited from skinwalkers: The ability to change into a snow leopard, the fact that she heals very slowly. Inherited from Sirens: Beauty, Vanity, A beautiful singing voice (while very mesmerizing, it is far from the sounds that could drive men to their deaths) [b]Do they want to reveal themselves:[/b] Not necessarily, but she has no huge commitment to protecting the Suspension of Disbelief either. She could probably be swayed to go either way over the course of this roleplay.