Nobody was on her feet the second the plane jerked, and at first went to the cockpit to manipulate the controls and see if there was an auto-landing option. When Kjolmar called, the dark-haired carrier held onto the door with one hand, looking at where the laser beam had come from. Her dark eyes scanned to see where the beam had come from. At finding it, she called to Kjolmar. "If there's any amount of metal in that thing he's shooting, magnetic or not, I can hit it," she affirmed. Her grip on the door tightened as she raised one hand, sparks flying from both her hand and the air around her. Any static electricity amplified slightly, causing a quick yet harmless static shock to anyone nearby. Touching the carrier would be a grave mistake right now, as she had electricity flooding her slender frame. Her hand went down, and seemed to hurl a bolt of sheer white lightning towards the ground. True to her word, if there was any metal in that laser-shooting machine, the bolt would strike dead-on. Seconds after the bolt left her hand, a monstrous roar of thunder shook the plane, causing Nobody to have to hurl herself backwards to avoid being thrown clear out of the plane. "God damn, I hate thunder," she snarled under her breath. Nobody was actually a little misophonic, certain sounds causing irrational irritation in her. Thunder was one of them. She always wore earplugs during storms. Other noises that bothered her were practically any kind of grating noise, like a knife sharpener, or someone writing with chalk. She had never expressed this, but one might simply think she was somewhat afraid of storms... which wasn't true.