Haleigh looked at him for a moment, did he just seriously sit down with out even asking if anyone was with her, who does this guy think he is? Haleigh had to admit he was really good looking and so far she wasn't getting any creeper vibes from him just that he seemed a bit arrogant. Though if he did turn out to be a creeper he'd be sorry to ever come across the daughter of two of SHIELD's finest Assassins. However, her friends do tell her often that she needed someone so hell she'll bite, "it's not bad. I like that it's sophisticated but also has that club edge to it, and you don't feel like you have to break out the glow sticks and mind bending techno music to have a good time." Haleigh smiled lightly, she looked over at her friends who looked back at her with a grin and continued dancing. Haleigh looked back at Anthony, "though I'm not really much of a bar scene girl. I only came because my friends have been bugging me for days to come out, they say I need to get out more and study less." She sighed deeply taking a sip of her drink and sitting back. "So what do you think of this place?"