[b]Commander Dru-Zod[/b] [hider=| Origin & Backstory |][b]Early Life & Career[/b] If there could have been a King of Krypton, General Zod was such a man. A great strategist, he emerged as the preeminent soldier in the Daxamite-Krypton War that shattered all connections between Krypton and the last of it's former colonies, leaving the former celestial empire in stagnation as more xenophobic and anti-exploration policies began to be put in place by the ruling council of Krypton, led by Jax-Ur. General Zod was believed to have had great potential as a scientist, if not for the caste that he was born into and the outbreak of the colonial wars. He made friends with two of Krypton's top scientific minds, the outspoken Non and Jor-El. In the social and economic slump that followed after the negotiated armistice concluded the Daxamite War, with exploration now forbidden to Krypton, it was this trio that undertook a movement to return Krypton to the stars. Except this time, there was a new motivation for exploration. Krypton was dying. The planet's resources were exhausted. Overpopulation and changes in Krypton's sun spelled out a coming devastation to the planet, but Jax-Ur and the council would hear none of it. To respond to the crisis, Zod, Non, and Jor-El had designed a new kind of colonial ship -- one capable of travel beyond anywhere that Krypton had traveled before, using a gravitational drive that would open a portal into a dimension that Jor-El had discovered and dubbed The Phantom Zone. By passing through this 'sub-space', the ship could emerge at a location lightyears apart and experience no passage of time. The trio went to the council to present their discovery and their solution, and were charged with treason against the planet Krypton for 'creating an atmosphere in which the population would panic.' When Non would not be silenced, the great scientific mind of their time was imprisoned and mutilated, rendering him mute. To ensure Zod's loyalty, the council imprisoned with Non the mate of General Zod, the woman Ursa, who was with child. Jor-El accepted the vow of silence pressed on him by the council, taking leave to make his own preparations to save those that he might still save. Zod's loyalty, however, was not as secure as the council might have hoped. A revolt broke out, one which resulted in the assassination of everyone on the council but one - Jax-Ur. Freeing Non and Ursa from their prison, Zod watched as Krypton began to break apart as the civil war swelled into the mass hysteria that the council had predicted would occur. He tried to make it to Jor-El, but it was too late. The general boarded the colonial ship and gave the command to make the jump into the Phantom Zone. That ship disappeared as Krypton was destroyed, vanishing into the night unaware of two rockets en route to a distant world orbiting a yellow sun. [b]Voyages on the Matrix[/b] Seventeen years passed, as those on Earth count time. The ship emerged out of the Phantom Zone at a location in empty space, unaware of the time that had passed. With few survivors left of the once great Krypton Empire, Commander Zod set out to try and find a world that could be their new home. Months passed. Ursa gave birth to a boy, who was named Lor for Ursa's father, who had been the general that had instructed Dru-Zod in the arts of war. The birth of Lor-Zod was seen as an omen, one of the first of a new generation of Kryptonians who would know nothing of Krypton. And yet, their existence would be their survival. Seven years later, the ship continues to search the stars for a place to call home. Trading where it can, fighting where they must, protecting their own and guarding their children as their future. Lor-Zod is the oldest of a handful of such New Kryptonians, the leader of the children with a young Kryptonian canine at his side.[/hider] [hider=| Character Notes |][b][u]SUPPORTING CAST:[/b][/u] Overlord Jax-Ur: The political leader on the Matrix, Jax-Ur serves on the Kryptonian Defense Council that sits on the spacecraft and the only remaining member of the council during the time of Krypton's destruction. Jax-Ur is highly manipulative in how he orchestrates his will over others when politics overrules military administration which he reminds Commander Zod of repetitively. Jax-Ur thinks optimistically of the day they finally run out of resources and need to organize a terraforming effort as he would be the controller of such an endeavor and as thus become the Overlord of New Krypton. ​ Patriarch Jer-Em: The religious leader on the Matrix, and the head of the Kryptonian Religious Guild. Many words can be used to describe Jer-Em including fanatical, devout, zealous, and old. In fact Jer-Em is the eldest member of the entire crew as he sits beyond ninety-years of age. The religious and cultural traditionalist that is Jer-Em clashes with both Commander Zod and Overlord Ur on several occasions as he truly believes he; not them, has Krypton's best interests in mind. ​ Ak-Var: The current head of the Kryptonian Science Guild and one that is particularly distrustful of the tri-fecta of politics going on-board the Matrix. Ak-Var has a daughter of eight cycles named Thara-Var. A genius in the field of kryptonian mechanical engineering, Ak-Var is invaluable to the maintence of the spaceship. ​ Ursa-On: Dru-Zod's partner and the bearer of his son, Lor. Academic caste, a laboratory assistant to Non who had been promised to him in an arrangement by her family and his. Broke tradition and defied both families when she instead mated with Dru-Zod, causing significant disruption between the House of Ka and the House of Zod which may have led to the decision to have Dru-Zod transferred to the battle front in the Daxamite Conflict. Like Dru-Zod, she despises the caste system but it more public about her thoughts, having a desire to have been Warrior caste. ​ Non-Ka: Academic caste. The shell of a once great scientific mind, rendered mute and partially lobotomized by Jax-Ur in order to prevent the scientist from revealing the nature of Krypton's problems to the public at large, and send a message to Zod at the same time of what would happen to others if the council's decision were to be countermanded. ​ Faora-Ui: One of Zod's closest allies and the individual in charge with the Matrix's internal security. Ursa however feels Faora is overly attached to Zod to the point that she might be after his affections, but her thoughts on Faora are hard to prove with little evidence. ​ Nadira-Va: A member of the Kryptonian Science Guild who serves as one of the principal medical practitioners as well as a known expert of xenobiology. Due to her interest in offworld fauna and her knowledge of a variety of obscure aliens such as The Blight she is seen as valuable on and off the field. ​ Nam-Ek: A member of the Kryptonian Military Guild that serves as one of the principal soldiers sent as a boarding party. A soldier known for his ruthless nature and short temper, Nam finds himself at odds with many people as he thinks with his fists over his brain. He gets along surprisingly well with his sarcastic comrade, Karin-Starr. ​ Car-Vex: A member of the Kryptonian Military Guild that serves as one of the principal soldiers sent as a boarding party. She finds herself exhibiting reckless behavior when she strongly believes in something though despite this volatile nature she is very loyal to her commanding officers and comrades. ​ Lesla-Lar: A member of the Kryptonian Military Guild that serves as one of the principal soldiers sent as a boarding party. One of the the youngest members of the crew, she wields a sarcastic and loud-mouth demeanor as her strong sense of "right" and "wrong" buffer her loyalty to her commanding officers. Lesla does not feel happy on the Matrix and dreams of a life that anchored to the crew. ​ Mon-El: The youngest of the three El brothers and the only one to survive Kryptonian's destruction AND the plague known as the green death. Born to science caste, Mon became a member of the Kryptonian Military Guild out of a request to Commander Zod that Zod felt he couldn't deny due to him being unable to save Mon's two brothers. He serves as one of the principal soldiers sent as a boarding party. [b][u]ROGUES GALLERY:[/u][/b] BRAINIAC: A weaponized artificial intelligence created by the Coluans as they feared the Kryptonian populace that neighbored their system. Assuming the kryptonians would invade their space due to the vast resources and habitable planets. Viewing the Kryptonian Empire as an antagonistic plague they devised an artificial intelligence that served many facilities including: infiltration, sabotage, and destruction. BRANIAC was installed onto Kryptonian networks through an infiltration mission devised by Vril Dox. In time, BRANIAC's prime directive to acquire information on Krypton and thus ensure they do not remain a threat - progressed into a designed genocide in which radioactive leakage of green energy (the green death) began to pick off the kryptonian populace to cut down on the population. This only seemed to slow down the kryptonians as they began to think re-expansion was key to their survival which the AI reacted upon learning of this by causing a planetwide natural disaster that began to tear the planet asunder. The Death of Krypton had been designed and afterward the AI went into a deep sleep as it drifted in a probe in outer space.​​​[/hider] [hider=| Powers & Abilities |]​Kryptonian Physiology: Under the effects of a "yellow" sun, The average Kryptonian possesses the potential for super strength, super hearing, flight, near-invulnerability, and enhanced vision. Kryptonian Physiology: Under the effects of a "yellow" sun, The average Kryptonian possesses the potential for super strength, super hearing, flight, near-invulnerability, and enhanced vision. Genius Level Intellect: Kryptonians, though otherwise completely human, were superior both intellectually and physically to natives of Earth.As a krypton native Dru-Zod in great time learned much about science and technology in spite of being military caste. Basic Hand-to-Hand: Zod was trained and exceled in Torquasm-Vo, a Kryptonian martial art. Tactical Analysis: Dru-Zod has a deductive and analytic mind.[/hider]