[b][i]Kingdom of Torfas[/i][/b] [hider=Nation Status] [b]Current Leader/Government:[/b] High King Cryoss Soulfell VI / Monarch [b]Settlements Owned:[/b] 9 [b]Provinces Owned:[/b] 2 [b]Population:[/b] 200.000 High Orcs / 160.000 Elves [b]Population Happiness:[/b] 80 % [b]Imports:[/b] Ship (Bahapore) Fish (Uaruneria) Pearl (Uaruneria) Furs (Achnon) Cattle (Achnon) [b]Exports:[/b] (1) Iron (Bahapore, Uaruneria, Achnon) (2) Bronze (Bahapore, Uaruneria, Achnon) (1) Warhorse () [b]Wealth:[/b] Average [b]Alliances:[/b] Uaruneria, Bahapore, Achnon [b]Trade Pacts:[/b] Bahapore, Uaruneria, Achnon [b]Cease Fires:[/b][/hider] [b]Army Status Cards:[/b] [hider=Fort and Fortress Guard.][b][i]Maradur Fortress Guard[/i][/b] [b]Location:[/b] Maradur Fortress. [b]Morale:[/b] 100% [b]Strength/Unit Breakdown:[/b] [indent] - (Troop Type) / (Number of Troops) / (Bonuses) - (Axeman) / (1.000) / (Armored, Trained) - (Gunner) / (750) / (Armored, Trained)[/indent] [b]Current Action:[/b] Stand by [b][i]Gromodor Fort Guard[/i][/b] [b]Location:[/b] Gromodor Fort. [b]Morale:[/b] 100% [b]Strength/Unit Breakdown:[/b] [indent] - (Troop Type) / (Number of Troops) / (Bonuses) - (Axeman) / (1.000) / (Armored, Trained) - (Gunner) / (250) / (Armored, Trained)[/indent] [b]Current Action:[/b] Stand by[/hider] [b]Navy Status Cards:[/b] [hider=Stormsound Navy] [b][i]Stormsound Navy Left Wing[/i][/b] [b]Current Admiral:[/b] Adaron Chillbreeze. [b]Location:[/b] Gromodor Fort. [b]Morale:[/b] 100% [b]Strength/Unit Breakdown:[/b] [indent] - (Troop Type) / (Number of Troops) / (Bonuses) - (Light Ship) / (20) / (No Bonuses) - (Medium Ship) / (10) / (No Bonuses) - (Heavy Ship) / (5) / (No Bonuses)[/indent] [b]Current Action:[/b] Sailing in north of Elthana [b][i]Stormsound Navy Right Wing[/i][/b] [b]Current Admiral:[/b] Bartyrox Yellowtusks. [b]Location:[/b] Gromodor Fort. [b]Morale:[/b] 100% [b]Strength/Unit Breakdown:[/b] [indent] - (Troop Type) / (Number of Troops) / (Bonuses) - (Light Ship) / (20) / (No Bonuses) - (Medium Ship) / (10) / (No Bonuses) - (Heavy Ship) / (5) / (No Bonuses)[/indent] [b]Current Action:[/b] Sailing in south of Elthana[/hider] ---- Long Live High King Cryoss Soulfell VI ---- The word has been spread, about the people of Elthana that living in a better situation than before, Elves that going on exodus after the war is going back to the place that always can be called Home. Now, the streets in the city look more alive, which was once filled only by elves, now Orcs, Krakons, and Horeans was seen filling the streets of the city. The Nation is growing faster each day, thanks to the trader from the other nations, Elthana once a nation that rely on his people, now a nation that manage his people to the finest. ---- The Plague ---- Death will come without ever warn, a sole soul can only be in sorrow by it's presence. The word spread faster than a wildfire, some remote villages in an island far from the mainland is plagued by a strange and deadly disease, the visible symptoms is bleeding from the eyes and nose, severe headaches and vomiting. The local authorities is acting fast according to this matter, by burning dead bodies that infected by the plague, and contain all of uninfected villagers in a sterile village. ---- The Grand Fleet ---- There will always be a state of calm before the storm rage. That night, when the black ships is seen sailing to north, something strange came to Adaron mind while he watching the ships sail from the crow nest, [i]Something isn't right, i must tell The King about this[/i], his thought is nearly true every time, his instinct is somewhat strange, he can tell that something is going to happen when he in a deep reverie. With a swift move, Adaron jump from the crow nest, grab a nearest rope, and with some jumping and swinging, he already in his deck writing a letter for the King, informing that the black ship has gone, but the danger is still on the air. [hider=Message]To High King, Cryoss Soulfell The ships that make you concern is sailing back to north, as far i can see, they just leave and sailing back to northern land. But not for a long time. They sure will come back and when they do, we must ready. With regards, Admiral Adaron Chillbreeze.[/hider] After the messenger sailing back to mainland, Adaron stare to the northern sea again, waiting for more signs. [i]A week after the message sent[/i] The black ship is already gone from the North Sea, but its presence can still be felt in every wind gusts on the coast of Elthana. Since the ships has gone, the wind change a little, the air smelled like burned wood and the breeze is warmer than usual. After the message is sent to the High King of Torfas, he order all dock to start producing ships for the preparation of the possible returning black ships, a week is far from enough to complete a ship, but the process is going, in six or seven weeks, the fleet will be expanded, from the amount of 40 light ships, 20 medium ships, and 10 heavy ships to 100 light ships, 50 medium ships and 30 heavy ships, this number still not enough for the fleet, the target is a fair amount of 250 light ships, 200 medium ships, and 100 heavy ships. This plan however, cost almost all of the treasury, if only Torfas funding it, fortunately, Achnon Gnomes, Torfas Orcs, and Eltanian Elves is working on this project together, so the money and human resource problem can be solved. --- The Traveler Journal Part 1 --- [b][i]Day 1: A Long Voyage to Bahapore[/i][/b] [hider=Day 1][indent]The journey started at last, the people here are nicer than i thought, even though we not share the same goal, but we can help each other in the time of need for sure. From what i can learn, the merchant is going to trade some of their bronze for salt in Bahapore, because from what i heard in Kalaros, the salt is so popular in the city market, even the price is almost near a cost of a bronze ingot in Torfas. The Scholars is going to the city for a walk i think, as soon as we ported, they might have walk around the city and start writing about the civilization in Bahapore accompanied by the general and his vanguard. What should i do in Bahapore? I think i knew it, lets see if i can find a Blacksmith there. The night feels cold though, even with a blanket. This journey will sure make me a great smith when i returned to the anvil.[/indent][/hider] [b][i]Day 2: Ported[/i][/b] [hider=Day 2][indent]The morning start slowly for me, as i heard the General start regrouping us in the deck, and start asking our agenda when we landed at port in A Minor city in Bahapore Southern Region. My guess is right, The merchant is planned to go straight to the city market and buying a lot of Bahaporean Salt. So i think i will go with them to the market and start finding a smiths there, i want to know what kind of armor that the Krakon use in war, since their scale is hard like an iron. The scholars and the guards are going to walk around the city they said. We must get back at ship before evening, and report all of our finding, as we now work as a guild though. as i writing this, the ship is already docked and we are prepared for a walk around the town. --- I found a Forgery in the outskirts of the city, they are forging an armor, what a luck. In this forgery, what can i assume is that not much of hammering things that happening here, the kind of armor that the Krakon used is a type of a chain mail i think with some modifications at the outside, like thorns i think, the smiths said that the military equipment is different from the city equipment, what they make in here is just for a hunting purpose or for city guards. I think i must ask them how they make the armor, and hopefully they will teach me how to make one. --- That wasn't easy, it took me a whole day to make one, the iron that they used is from Torfas, but how they make it like an ancient technique, it is hard to learn and hard to master, but for now, i will just write it in my weapon journal, and take this mail for a souvenir. Tomorrow agenda? hmm, lets see, i think i must make my own money, this journey can be hard, and i don't really want to depend on the merchants. i think i can find a work at the local Weapon smiths. [/indent][/hider]