[b]Name:[/b] Taya Rivers [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Element:[/b] Water [b]Appearance:[/b] Taya has a soft face, with trusting eyes. Her brown hair lies in lazy curls just over her shoulders. She is slightly over average height, but has a small frame, creating an illusion of innocent cuteness. If you were to look very closely, you might notice that she is not as soft as she appears, with trained arms and legs, and a sometimes appearing uncompromising look in her eyes. [b]Personality:[/b] Sweet and trusting, Taya will be quick to declare you a friend. She easily falls for jokes and believes everyone has good intentions. Despite all this she is not stupid, and insatiably curious. While she will easily go along with others in normal situations, she is absolutely immovable if she finds it important. Friends mean everything to her, and she will not allow any harm to be done against them if she can help it. [b]History:[/b] Taya was abandoned by her parents when she was a baby. She was raised lovingly in the orphanage of a city. Although she knew that the people of the orphanage were good people, when she found out about her powers, she hid them from everyone. When she turned 16, she was considered too old for the orphanage. From that moment on she has been roaming the world with Scylla. [b]Feel for element:[/b] She has been playing with her powers since she found out she had them at the age of 5, but isn't very adept at the more aggressive use of her powers, and can only easily control water close to her body. She can control it if it is farther away, but this takes a tremendous amount of power. She bypasses this problem by forming weapons in her hands out of ice and throwing them. [b]Pet:[/b] [hider=Scylla, her Kelpie][img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/009/6/9/the_kelpie_by_vyxe-d6b9odi.png][/hider]