Hello everyone! I want to try my luck at doing my own version of the Doctor. He's a bit of a mix of doctors 9, 10 and 11. So yes, he can be fun, corky but dangerous at the same time. We Shall Call Him.... [b]The Doctor[/b] [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/vy19nb.jpg[/IMG] [b]Age:[/b] Over 1000 years old. [b]Species:[/b] Timelord [b]Bad Habit:[/b] His attention span isn't very long if the person is boring, and he's not afraid to tell them that they are when he starts to space out. [b]Personality Traits:[/b] He's bubbly, upbeat and happy normally. He is strangely flirty in his own unique way, finding just the right times to say just the right things. A bouncing ball of energy but he harbors a lot of anger towards the death of his people. He would willingly kill any Darlek that crosses his path, anyone stupid enough to jump in the way to prevent him from killing the Darlek(s) might easily get killed in the process. Intelligent like all the other Doctors, knows everything about anything and travels in the TARDIS using the sonic screwdriver. [b]Coined Phrase:[/b] Los Geht!!; Off We Go in German. Would gladly do more than one role play with this character so if you're interested please do message me!