Sooooo....don't mind if I do~ (I kinda like Cynder's layout for CS, because I love pretty things :3) --- [center][img=] [i]"I rather not play games... it is a waste of time."[/i] [b][u]Name[/u][/b] Zero [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] Female [b][u]Age[/u][/b] 17 (appearance-wise) [b][u]From[/u][/b] Drakengard 3 [b][u]Likes[/u][/b] Nothing in particular [b][u]Dislikes[/u][/b] Smelly things, her Intoner Sisters, idiocy, wasting time, failure. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] Zero is usually seen as violent and easily irritated, and things like being taken to this carnival would be something that she won't tolerate. Most of the time she acts quite bitter and apathetic whenever someone or something tries to distract her from her main goal, and sometimes she would attempt to kill off the responsible ones that stray her from her path. Despite how serious she can be, it's easy to manipulate her by just saying that she'll get to kill her sisters afterwards, in this case, tell her what to do. [b][u]History[/u][/b] Zero barely remembers her human past. When she was only 12, her abusive mother disowned her and sent her away into a brothel to be sold into prostitution. However, Zero and one other girl managed to escape and tried to live out on their own, but this resulted with the girl, which was Zero's only friend at the time, being killed by the men that would own them in prostitution. In a blind rage, Zero kills those men off with a knife, and that was when Zero would come to think of death as an art, and that she spent the last 5 years of her life killing off people, innocent or guilty, just for fun. At the age of 17, Zero was finally apprehended and thrown into jail to die off, and that she was with five other girls that were in the same cell as her. Over time, the other five girls began to die off, one by one, and it would soon become Zero's turn. However, Zero's last sight before dying was a pink flower growing from the stone floor, and that was what cursed her with the Parasitic Flower and ultimately turning Zero into an Intoner, a god-like being. Knowing that this would be bad, Zero tries to commit suicide, but is revived in the process as well as creating 5 other Intoners that appeared like the five prison girls that died earlier.This is why Zero aims to kill the other Intoners, as their powers from the Flower would fall out of control, and end the world as we know it. [b][u]Other[/u][/b] The Parasitic Flower grows out of Zero's right eye, and when her body is brutally destroyed in any way, the flower fully sprouts and forces out Zero in a newly regenerated body. This process repeats as the Flower remains in Zero's right eye. It is also noted that Zero may be the only Intoner that does not use the song magic, and relies more on swordplay.[/center]