Satan was walking around Hell, looking at the people being tortured. He checked today's schedule. In the morning they would be chased by giant fire ants, the evening they'd be put in the Iron Bull, and at night they'd do the nightly lava pits. For now, it was time for food break. You see, here in Hell, they followed a specific schedule of torture. During the morning, always something imaginative, the evening is some sort of medieval torture device, and at night, always the lava pits. The lava pits are pits of lava, and if you try to get out of the pits, a demon will stab you with a pitchfork to push you back in. During lunch, there's special spike food that when you eat it, causing intense pain to your insides, but if you don't eat it, during the torture, it hurts twice as much. When the lava pits time is finished, and it's not morning yet, you go to bed on a bed made of spikes, and your dreams are intense nightmares that you wouldn't believe. At random, some unlucky residents of Hell, instead of going to the torture chambers, for one day, are given to Satan to be dropped off a cliff and into jagged spikes of pain. Satan sighed. Hell truly was a great place! He sat on his throne of fire and layed back, dropping some residents off the cliff.