In the center of the city, as rain hits the roof of the Aegius PMC Houston branch, a man walks into the main lobby. He stands 5'11" wearing pitch black cargo pants, a tank top, and a Balaclava. As he walks in, he is dripping wet from the rain, and goes up to the secretary. He looks around the room and sees armed guards on either side. With the recent attack security has been doubled because they are in a state of emergency. He approaches the secretary and flashes his I.D to her and she nods allowing him to move forward. He heads straight then makes a left turn into a hallway and he enters one of 4 elevators and presses for the bunker below. As he heads down he listens to the elevator music, not really caring for it. He gets down to the bunker and he exits the elevator seeing his own personal Bunker. It is only four rooms including a: Bathroom, Living/bedroom, a small Briefing room, and a Armory. He sits down on his bed and takes his Balaclava off chucking it aside. He looks around his very plain bunker and sighs. He isn't allowed to have pictures up or paint the walls because these bunkers need to be able to be reused with ease. He runs his hand through his height and tight hair feeling the scars from being given implants. He gets ready to undo his boots when the computer in the briefing room begins to beep. He sighs knowing there will be a mission for him to do. He knew with the recent attack he would have something to do. He gets up heads into the briefing room and watches as the huge 62" screen lights up with the picture of a man appears. text begins to appear below it "Target may know who was responsible for the attack. Track. Observe. Interrogate. Eliminate." He sighs and decides he will begin tomorrow after he goes to his usual lunch.