OOC: [Url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1acEVmnVhI] Music to Post [/url] [indent]Leaf paced his office, the two boys, Ed and Lee were still sleeping in one of the two spare rooms at his house, unfortunately he couldn't afford such a luxury tonight. He had thought about waking the boys up to run through some of the things he needed of them, after all good hands where getting harder and harder to come by now a days, and he preferred halflings on his private crew, he felt he could trust them more than any of the other races. Not to say he was racist at all, anyone would tell you the opposite, he just couldn't be too careful of late. But he couldn't bring himself to waking them, they deserved some small form of peace before an all out war broke out. [/Indent] [indent] His first order of business was to make sure all the lower members didn't get too trigger happy, he sent a message to all of his main heads telling them to makes sure there men wouldn't get out of hand. The last thing he needed at this point was more of his boys to get hurt, that would just escalate things even more drastically. No, they had to make sure they played this right, if the Yakuza even got a small lead that he was planning on retaliation, they more than likely wouldn't even hesitate to raid his assets, and the war that would provoke would be more than he was ready to deal with. Leaf had already decided, he wasn't going to sit in his office any longer looking through the endless sheets of information on his laptop, all the dirt he had on the Yakuza so far. And it still surmounted to almost nothing. [/indent] [indent] Leaf closed the screen on the laptop and went back to the house to retrieve his motorcycle. The house he lived in really didn't look anything like the owner of a bars home, let alone the leader of a motorcycle gang. It was a four bedroom house in the a Victorian style, he rather enjoyed just sitting out on the porch at night looking at the city from the little hill his house sat atop. There weren't many houses like his anymore and he took pride in that, he also took pride in the state of the building itself, as it was in pristine condition after years of reconstruction, and plenty of money spent. By now he was at the garage, standing alone just parallel with the house, he unlocked the door and walked in. He had two Harley Davidson sitting in his garage, one was a classic Flathead 45 Model D from 52’, with a three speed jockey shifter and had a hardtail frame. It was a cherry red, with a purple pearlescent overcoat, it was his daily driver.[/indent] [indent] The other Motorcycles who he called Stinger, was Model D from a few years later and had a hardtail frame just like the 52’, but this this was sooped up with all the latest tech and some of the best parts on the market right now. This bike was all black with two skulls on a hill marking the tank, and enchantments all over the muffler made it nearly silent, it also had a jockey shifter but this one was a 5 speed. In short the bitch hauled and was pretty undetectable. He hoped wheeled the 52’ out of the garage and started it up. This bike he called Furry, and she wasn't to slow either, boy was she loud though. He then went for a ride through town, heading through the suburbs to Elf Haven, he needed some nourishment before today, and he thought about going to a sandwich shop he hadn't been to in too long. He thought again about contacting Victor, but he was sure the mad devil was busy with all the news about the Houston's slow collapse, plus the weather was not looking like it was in the best condition. Leaf really could care less about all the troubles the government was having, but he made sure to bring a pistol with him tucked under the cloth hanging off the back of his armor, a snub nosed revolver. He prayed to the Gods he wouldn't have to use it today. [/indent] [indent] A second after this thought another forced its way into his head, [i]‘We don't need a gun to kill rig you know that.’[/i] Leaf reached down and tucked Rsfile deeper in his waistband refusing to listen to the rambling to follow. [i]‘Why are you so scared Rig? You know they can't kill you, your undefeatable, right? No one can kill my son.’[/i] Leaf wished that was true. [/indent]