[hider=~Fantasy Side~] Name: Connie Elwyn Appearance: [img=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs44/i/2009/164/1/2/SteamPunk_Cammy_by_Pechan.jpg] Connie is a young girl, around the age of sixteen, maybe just turning seventeen. She's a bit short for her age, something you really shouldn't mention unless you want to get a wrench to the face. She has messy curly red hair, with green eyes and slim build. She wears her work suit most of the time, and rarely ever takes it off. Her goggles are merely use to protect her eyes when she's working, and totally not for poor eyesight. Nope, not at all. Personality: Connie is the self-proclaimed smartest girl on the planet. While this fact may be disputed, the fact remains, she is [i]smart[/i] any way you look at it. She's a quick learner at most tasks, and understands the laws of the world quite easily and picks up on most things quite often. She fancies herself an inventor, and loves tinkering with new things. Most of her inventions tend to go...haywire though, and in some way or another tend to not work. This can leave her a bit depressed at times, and sometimes goes into a creative slump. She does love travelling though, and experiencing new things, and has traveled quite a bit for someone of her age. Despite her somewhat arrogant front, she's friendly and can be a great friend to anyone who needs it. Just don't mention her height and you'll get along fine. She has a dream of one day making a completely functioning automaton, like the ones in her villages old legends. [i]Physicality:[/i] (Pros and Cons regarding physical attributes) [u]Pros:[/u] Quick learner Intelligent resourceful [u]Cons:[/u] Isn't physically strong Can't run for long Is a bit arrogant and prideful. (Eh, not really physical things, but physical stuff isn't her strong suit xD) Bio: Connie is an explorer from a far off land, who came to this place to find a new home after a misunderstanding forced her to leave her previous home. She has been travelling for awhile, though only recently set off on her own. She was travelling with a caravan, until she grew bored. So, she set up a shop where she makes and sells specialty items and other inventions. Well, tries too. So far, she has been...less than successful. She tries to create something new, and it usually ends up exploding and any money she gets goes into repairs, damages, and getting more stock for her store. She sells a few things to make a profit, then the process repeats leaving her in quite the predicament, recently. Misc: [/hider] [hider=~Real Side~] Name: Ashlyn Lawrence Age: 16 Appearance: Meh. Couldn't find a picture I liked, so here's my attempt at writing a description. Ashlyn is a bit short for her age, has pale skin with quite a few freckles and long red hair usually tied back into a ponytail. She has green eyes and wears a pair of glasses due to being somewhat near-sighted, though she hates wearing them. She normally wears a simple T-shirt with some jeans and sneakers. Wears a purple jacket in the winter sometimes. She used to get upset/angry when someone mentioned her height, though now she's more mature about it, at least on the surface. Personality: Ashlyns' personality mainly stems from the fact she has always been rather frail, physically speaking, and somewhat clumsy ever since she was a child. She was always causing small accidents and always ending up hurting herself from the smallest things. She has grown out of the clumsiness, mostly, as she's grown but she's still lacking in the physical area. What she lacks in physical strength and appearance, she makes up for it in her personality. Ashlyn tries to keep a serious and professional attitude, She is strong willed, ambitious, and incredibly intelligent especially for someone of her age. She never takes no for an answer, and always goes after what she wants. She is skilled with computers, coding, and aspires to one day be the leader in robotics and computer design. Her dream? Create a suit of some sort that allows weaker people be able to pull off amazing feats of strength and stamina. It may sound like science fiction to most, and she may have played too many video games and watched too many sci-fi movies and shows, but she does not care. She has a long way to go before she's there, but she is unafraid of accomplishing this daunting task. She can be a bit of a know-it all at times, and can be somewhat arrogant without realizing it. Of course, this confident outgoing personality of hers is really just a front for her insecurities. The main of which, is her sexuality. She has begin to find herself attracted to people of the same sex. Growing up in a house that has openly expressed...dislike, for such people, has made her rather uneasy about this topic. Even more so, is that she has found herself having feelings for the protagonist. This is made even more uncomfortable by the fact they have been friends for awhile now. She also is unsure about her own future, and constantly has to fight with the fact that she believes actually accomplishing her goals are quite slim - a fact she rarely confides in anyone, no one but the protagonist knows about her concerns about her life goals She does have an almost insatiable love for space and sci-fi things. She has always been fascinated by the stars and the unknown, and would give anything to explore the stars. She only lets the close friends of hers see this side of her though, and doesn't get all nerdy and geeky that often, as it somewhat embarrasses her. [b]Physicality:[/b] Thin, not unhealthily so, but much more so than others usually. She's not unfit or unhealthy, in fact she tries to stay in somewhat good shape. She's not too strong physically speaking, but she makes up for it with her intelligence and resourcefulness. [b]Bio:[/b] Ashlyn, or simply Ash, as her close friends call her, was born on a cold winter morning during December. She was never one of the 'popular kids'. In elementary, she always preferred to read, rather than play or talk with the other children. The shyness stemmed from her fearing of messing up, or just afraid that she wouldn't make a good impression. For the most part, she spent the early part of her childhood alone, either with her books or the occasional outing with her parents. This changed, a few years later shortly before she met (Insert protagonist name here). She was watching some old sci-fi movies and was fascinated by them. Soon, she became interested in all things scientific, namely computers. She still didn't go out of her way to meet new people, but she wasn't shy anymore. She was just too busy with her own things to have time for other people. Until she met the Protagonist at the age of 13. They were assigned to work on a school science project together. Ashlyn did most of the work, though, simply because she refused to let the Protagonist even touch the thing. Not because she thought the protagonist was stupid, or lacked the required skills, it was simply because she thought she could do a better job by herself. If it wasn't for the protagonist though, she would never have finished the project. After this, the two became best friends. Since then, the two have remained close. Despite being more or less, best friends, Ashlyn started to develop feelings for the Protagonist shortly before the cancer appeared. This, was a shock to her, as much as it would be to anyone else once she realized it. She had never been that interested in romantic relations at all. If anything, she was scared. Her parents had openly expressed their dislike for such people, and while she never had seen a problem with them, she never imagined she could possibly like people of the same sex. Unfortunately, a month or so before the Cancer was announced and she fell into a Coma, Ashlyn began to avoid the protagonist, and make excuses to not see her. This, obviously, hurt their relationship quite a bit. After the cancer was announced, she was devastated. Now, she wishes she would have said something before about her feelings. She may never get to now. Misc:[/hider] Done and Done. I was going for a more...eh, steampunk feel for her fantasy side. Is that alright? I can finally get to work on that little project of mine now that I'm done with everything else :D