[quote=Punishment] *Fixed the pain-pill addiction to add almost all of the natural withdraw symptoms that tend to occur, not every one as people do react differently to withdraw than others, of course, wasn't thinking much about it at the time, sorry! [/quote] I'm still slightly on the fence, as some of her weaknesses don't seem to be much to worry about. Like not being smart(bookwise), and gambling, whereas - she can fight fairly well, and take a bit of punishment(Which even with the change, still seems odd considering she is ALSO addicted to pain pills), and can run fast, and do about mid-level parkour. A physical weakness would be fine, as it stands, all hers seem to be mental for the most part, except the pain pill addiction, which can be mental until it is actually in effect. [quote=MelonHead] Well, I'm not 'Merican so I don't know exactly how strong your tasers are, but it could probably drop a fairly hefty man. If you want a limitation on it you can decide when it runs out of power.(Without telling me, I love surprises.) [/quote] Oh honey, you know just the right things to say. It's good. You're in./