You struggle, trying you best to pull out of his grip. -"Aw you don't have to resist sweetie. Everything goes so much smother if you submit like a good girl should." [I]That's it! He asked for it!*[/I] With all your frustration you punch him straight in the gut. You managed to caught him off guard and he lets go of you in surprise. [I]Time to run![/I] You head for the brothel to seek cover but you were too slow. You feel a hard yank from the roots of your hair and you scream in pain as he drags you back to him. -"You fucking bitch! I'll show you what happens to ungrateful brats like you!" He begins to punch you over your face. The strong punches rocks the world around you and you start seeing stars. Blood starts streaming from you eyebrow and you can feel more blood stacking up inside your mouth. The man keeps pouncing you until he screams in agony. He falls off of you and behind her is Helen! She is holding a stiletto in her right hand and look really pissed. -"Who the hell do you think you are! Do you think you can treat my girls any way you like? You hadn't even paid for her you wretched scum!" Helen begins to stab the man several times until he stops moving. [I]Did she kill him?[/I] You try to see what happened through your painful haze and spot Helen walking up to you. -"Oh my poor little girl! What ever did you do to deserve this treatment?" She picks you up and walks off with you. You feel yourself drifting off in her arms, everything slowly fading to black. [I]What do I want?...[/I] You find yourself standing in the royal garden back home. The cherry blossom is in full bloom and your brothers are playing cheerfully on the grass. [I]Everything is so calm here. I have everything I want. [b]I hate it.[/b][/I] Everything shifts into the grand plaza. It's completely empty. Everything is grey except for a body. As you walk closer to inspect it it's Marcos body, twisted and disfigured. His limbs hang loosely in the air, blood black as the night dripping like tar from him. [I]Do I care? Am I one of them or are they just a part of my little game? [b]Just a game.[/b][/I] You are at the cathedral, bells ringing and candles lit giving a damp red light. At the altar is your mother. Crucified she looks at you, tears of blood streaming down her face. [I]Am I her? Is he me? [b]Who am I supposed to be?[/b][/I] The floor start to crackle. you feel yourself falling into the abyss, your body slowly vaporizing. [I][b]Agony.[/b][/I] A man appears. He is painted purple and white, dressed in a formal shirt and a skirt. -"Dire times are coming young. Make haste and run before you get hung. Meet me where death meets life, there we will settle your strife. Step up and start to mend, to make sure the world doesn't end." -"For the last time you can't just walk up and kill someone you wretched hag!" You wake up covered in sweat, panting intensely. [I]A nightmare?[/I] -"Apparently you can't do your job right so I have to protect the weak and needing for you!" It's Helen screaming from the outside of your room. She sounds very angry. -"Protect? You fucking sell their bodies for your own winning!" The voice belongs to a male, they seem to be in a heated discussion. -"I sell them to guards like you, don't you try to fool me you haven't been here to relive your own urges you fucking hypocrite!" A loud smack could be heard from the other side of the door. -"I don't have time for word fencing with a witch like you." It feels like your heart stopped when the door suddenly get kicked open. -"You girl! I give you five seconds to give me an answer to my question, otherwise I slice your head off!" You nod quickly understanding the gravity of the situation.** -"Why did the witch kill the man? And don't you try to lie to me I begin breaking your bones!" *** *Temper +2 **Mood changed: Steeled *** A). The man pounced me when I resisted to follow him. Helen saved my life! B). I provoked the man and he started to lecture me. He went overbroad and Helen stopped him. C). Helen killed the man and punched me to frame him! She is fucking nuts! D) ... E). How dare you even accuse her for anything! You are the worst guards I've ever seen! Get out of my sight! (Available because Temper +7) [hider=CS]Nymeria Heroica - 14 Years old Difficulty: Hard Items 2 Lassi & 420 Shants Physical Abilities Strength: 6 Agility: 13 Stamina: 12 Fighting skill: 3 Social Abilities Persuasion: 4 Negotiate: 3 Charisma: 6 Social manners: 12 intellectual Abilities Education: 10 Diplomatics: 2 Language: 2 Trade: 2 Royal: 3 Personality Alignment: +1 Temper: +7 Hapiness: -9 Selfishness: -1 Mood: Steeled[/hider]