"Liz." She replied automatically. She blushed at the mistake. She wasn't suppose to use her real name. She usually remembered but the change in guardians was shaking her up. This was her first transfer. She had been warned that it probably wouldn't be her last. "Wet clothes are the least of my problems but thanks." Liz hated what her life had become. All because she had trusted the wrong person. She stared out the window thinking about the night that changed her life. She had been engaged to Samuel Powers. President of Powers industry. Thing were finally looking up for her. Until the night of her engagement party. She had gone back to the house to get Samuel's gift which she had forgotten hidden in her drawers. She had planned to run in grab the gift and get back before anyone noticed she was gone. If only that had been the way things had happened. Instead she opened the door to find Samuel holding a gun to a man's head. She later learned that the man's name was Jonathan Thomas a local drug lord. She stood in silent disbelief as the man she loved shot another man in cold blood. How he didn't hear her enter or run out, but she thanks the Lord every day that he hadn't noticed her.