Victor grinned idly as Lilin decided to let him in, damn the consequences that the feds might want to throw at them, as well as the yelling he heard as he exited the shadows and cross the street, hands in his pockets as he smiled warmly at the dragoness librarian, walking up the stairs and nodding towards the guards and offering his hand to shake to Lilin. [b]"A pleasure to see you again, ravishing as always. I wish I could say I was here for pleasantries, but I've gotten quite the number of calls demanding I figure out what is going on. The nets are a mess, and while I plan on getting an old contact on that end of things, I think these bastards got some history, under another name most likely. So I need to do some digging, cross reference the patterns of their actions, the way they present themselves, and see if I can't draw up any conclusions."[/b] While he let Lilin respond as she saw fit, and was more than welcome to follow along, he whipped out his phone, hitting a speed dial number and holding it up to his ear. It rung a few times, and when the other person picked up, Vic smirked. [b]"Sloan, long time no talk! Its Vic, how's it been? Yea, you been keeping up with this whole mess with these 'Our Father's Fathers' goons? What can you tell me about them, I'm doing some digging, seeing who they really are."[/b] He had pulled, carefully of course, several books down that covered the history of this kind of indirect warfare, listening to both what Lilin would have to say, as well as what Sloan would have to say. After all, the more information on his side, the more powerful he would be. After all, knowledge was power, but he would have to guard it well.