Arachnid nodded before replying "I think I can walk, you guys go on, we've secured the area behind us and I should be able to find EMS on my own" Struggling to her feet she made her way back along the area that the team had secured and began to think back to her earlier theory about possible coordination. The more she thought about it the more it made sense, this had to of been timed to coincide with the league's unveiling either that of the league had the mother of all coincides to deal with. As she rounded a corner two SWAT officers caught sight of her and moved to support her as they took her to two waiting EMT's. The EMT's helped her onto a nearby stretcher and attached an IV to her as she was wheeled out to a waiting ambulance. As she was bought out she noticed some of the crowd catch there breath at the sight of a costumed hero on a gurney and in response she gave a thumbs up and waved. Some of the crowd cheered as she was lifted into an ambulance but Samantha knew that the job inside was far from over a the sirens came on and the ambulance took off for the nearest hospital and she cursed herself that she couldn't have been more of a help.