She felt a bit childish for not making any progress in learning how to drive, but mostly she felt she couldn't be bothered by it. She strapped herself into the passenger seat, grinned over at Serenity who was waiting to take her wherever. Before long, they were rolling. The traffic was out and about, due to the assault on the mayoral estate, no doubt. Sloan sighed. Just another day at work. As their car rolled along, she felt a vibration in her pocket. She let out a bit of a weary sigh, she had just left home. After it rang a few times she picked it up.[i] "Vic, you know better than to address me directly over the phone. And yeah, I've been keepin' up with 'em. Just more clowns trying to set things right the wrong way, so far. I've got more for you, but I need to know if your account is still good."[/i] She pauses, waiting for a reply. [i]"A'Course I'm gonna wire the money to myself. Like always. Yeah. Alright, here's what I've got so far. Facial recognition came up with nothin', vocal phrasing produced no significant matches, the weapons are from just about everywhere, but the box in the corner'a th'room is from a security corporation under the name of 'Luminescence'. I think they changed their name, I can't find anything new on them since their Security Licensing fell through. Say, Vic, I'm out right now, but when I get back I've got a trace on a number I'd like you to run. Some goon from an 'Algera Corporation' called fishin' for info on this guy as well. Could be bad news. I know they're connected somehow. I'll send you the details later. Ciao."[/i] She hangs up, rather abruptly, giving the impression of someone who tends to be a tad occupied. She looks over to Serenity with a weary look, which she quickly turns into a smile. [i]"I just want a day to relax."[/i] She tells Serenity, who seems to be focused more on the road than on her passenger. She catches the top of Serry's wine bottle and smirks just a little. [i]"Serry~, Where are we going?"[/i] She asks, trying to get her attention. If her phone rang again she'd toss it out the window. It was all she could do to keep from boiling over from the stress. Had all this really bothered her that much? She kept comparing the incident at the mayoral estate to dinner theater. It must be normal, now anyways, to disregard the violence and murder and the harshness of the world around her and others. How else would they just go out to dinner in the wake of something like that? It was just dinner, and a show. Her Yakuza informant filled her in on their conflict with the Underhill halflings. Sloan never liked the Yakuza's methods, but their money was just as good as cash, with reliable payments. Their leads were typically good, and their lines were almost as secure as her own. They were, besides Vic, her best clients. It really is a shame that they've picked a fight that was going to be short lived. The biker gangs' numbers were allegedly dwindling. Which is a shame because Sloan typically thought their stature to be cute. Still, you don't bite the hand that feeds you.