[img]http://i.imgur.com/4x7ExiI.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/aBIXoi8.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/9AVqdzv.png[/img] [b]Tagress Guild[/b] "Nobody wants to borrow this right?" Moira said, although it seemed like a hypothetical question by the way she smeared the liquid over her skin. Lisette had Kapi in her arms and was following everyone else out the door, but stopped in curiosity of whatever Moira was applying. "I've never seen sunblock that looks like that..." she said, tilting her head sideways to read the label as Moira repeatedly smacked the bottle against her palm. She wasn't one to use sunscreen very often; despite her lightly freckled and fair complexion, she'd always gotten tans rather than burns. Except for the time she fell asleep outside in full sun, in the middle of summer... "Are we going?" Selan asked, frowning at the group's blocking of the exit. Sunlight wasn't quite her friend, and she was looking forward to getting out of it and finding a nice, shady tree to sit under. She brought a silky white shawl to cover her bare shoulders, and her skin smelled faintly of her own sunscreen, blended into her makeup and lotion. "Yeah, let's go!" Lisette called, squeezing her way between Moira and Nikki, sprinting out the door, and hopping down the steps.