[hider=BriefPlot][center]Fujimi Academy[/center] The starting point for when everything went to absolute Hell. A school, originally funded back in 1997, and now the monumental, highest-rated school it is today. It is located in Tokonosu City. The school is filled with a variety of students, some all the way from America. The school's original foundation is the basic cement/stone mixture you would see in any other schools today. The former material used for Fujimi Academy was wood from a Sakura tree, but the staff quickly reinforced it with actual sturdy material once an American student set the whole academy ablaze. Large iron gates separates the school's courtyard from the outside world, which is, in this case, a long blacktop road surrounded by forests on both sides. The road leads both North and South, where North is where Tokonosu City lies, only a few miles away, while South leads far away, somewhere into the mountains. It was simply another day inside of Fujimi Academy. Birds were chippering amongst siblings, teachers sat inside of air-conditioned classrooms, boredly taking role, while students meandered the halls, either skipping, or carrying out an errand for a lazy professor. Unknown to the populace...this wouldn't be a simple school day, like the rest of the days. It would be a Hell of a lot worse...'cuz zombies n shit.[/hider] --------- Yeah, so that's everything, basically. We'll see how this goes. Anyone interested?