Summer's here and I'm itching to get back into RPing. It's been a while. Have a gander here and tell me if you're interested, and hopefully you'll be here to stick around. --- [center][b]Cataclysm: The Capital[/b] [img=] [i]Washington D.C. July 2nd, 2017 0800 hours[/i] [i]One moment we were all getting ready for Independence Day. Would have been two days from now, and we were all expecting fireworks and barbeques. Then this happened and now we have zombies and all sorts of other things running loose. Some say it was the result of military experiments. Others say that the Biblical apocalypse is upon us. Either way, things have gone to shit and it doesn't look like it's gonna get better any time soon. Here we are at the Washington Monument. All around us, the city is being consumed in the ashes of fire and chaos, and we were supposed to be the last ones out of the city. The choppers left without us, and all we have is just barely two dozen of us stranded against the zeds and whatever else came along with them. And I fear that we also have our fellow man to face off against too. Within this rag-tag handful of survivors here too, it seems. Me or we? I do not know the answer to this question, but I need to figure it out soon.[/i] -an anonymous survivor-[/center]