Work in progress [hider=CS2]Name: Kerra Kagan Species: Angel Age: 15 Appearance: [img=] Personality: Kerra is a bit more shy than her brother, less willing to interact with others in general. She tends to stay quiet except around her brother, whom she has a very close relationship with, even before they escaped together. She has had very little interaction with anyone outside of her family to begin with, and they weren't the kindest group of people either. She has a tendency to assume nobody other than her brother notices or cares about her. Bio: Female angels are often trained in non combative arts, such as support or medicine. Kerra spent a lot of time with her brother and absorbed a small amount of what he was taught, but when they both got an opportunity to learn about other magics, she started studying the elements, and seeks to further her knowledge of them. Power 1: Light Energy Manipulation: Similar to Philip, however hers is more focused on defensive applications like creating illusions or barriers. Their powers can sync up to create stronger effects. Power 2: Pyromancy: Kerra can create small amounts of flame, it is a very undeveloped power however. Optional Ability: Flight: She is more nimble in the air than Philip is, but otherwise the same. [/hider]