Name: Slade Joseph Wilson Alias: Deathstroke Role: Villain/sometime Antihero Brief Bio:| Origin & Backstory | - Slade Wilson was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota to career criminal Joseph Wilson. Joseph abandoned his son, leaving Slade little else but his name. Slade landed in a foster home, and as soon as he came of age, joined the US military alongside his foster brother and best friend, Billy Wintergreen. The two received top marks in all physical and mental examinations; Almost immediately the two were recruited into The US Marine Corps' Special Forces, MARSOC During their partnership, the two took part in more than 37 black operations, with Slade operating under the call sign "Deathstroke" and Billy under "Ravager." During their last mission as a team, MARSOC had gotten word that the Chinese had files on a Former CIA agent and the experimental training he'd undergone. MARSOC's response was to send Billy & Slade into Shanghai to recover the files. Though their insertion went smoothly, Billy inadvertently set off the silent defense system, and the two were caught. Upon their capture, they were introduced to a man named Yao Fei. Yao Fei gave them two options: talk now & work for me or I'll make you talk. For the next six months, Slade & Billy were water boarded along with other methods of torture. 5 months and 3 weeks in, Billy broke and talked. Turning on his partner and his country, Billy then presided over Slade's torture, venting years worth of jealousy. Angered by his friend's betrayal, Slade broke free during an interrogation and fought Billy. Though the two had been partners for years, Slade managed to mortally wound Wintergreen, but at the cost of his right eye. Slade then proceeded to escape, but was stopped by Yao Fei. Fei engaged Slade and the two fought to a standstill. Just when it looked like Fei was going to kill Slade, he was shot by a dying Wintergreen. Billy had saved Slade out of guilt and a hope of redemption; he died in Slade's arms Upon his return to MARSOC, Slade underwent severe psych testing and met his new psychiatrist, Dr. Adeline Kane. After a month of his testing, Slade was approached by Dr. Kane for an new program designed to create super soldiers. They named it simply "The Serum." Slade accepted and became enhanced; Speed, strength, reflexes, mental functions. Having no idea as to the psychological effect of The Serum, Slade's CO placed Dr. Kane in the program, monitoring Slade's psych/mental health. . As the darling of the program, Slade was sent on more and more missions but became increasingly disenfranchised. The serum made him better, but in the process, he was losing his deep sense of honor A year after the enhancements, he resigned from MARSOC and killed everyone involved with manufacturing the serum, believing them to have forgotten all sense of honor and morality. They had sent him in blind numerous times, each time with an objective more atrocious than the last; he had been forced to kill civilians based on unverifiable intel. Almost immediately, he went rogue, contacting a man named Christoph, an information broker/merc handler, working as a mercenary,choosing to pick his own missions and using his old code name and mask. Two years after that, he met Lilian Worth. The rest is history. He has ran into the titans only once, and his ID is still unknown. Abilities: Slade is an ENHANCED human, not superhuman. Swordsmanship(Advanced) Hand to hand combat(Advanced) Tactician(arguably the best in DC) Enhanced Speed, strength, reflexes, mental functions. Personality: When in business, Slade is cold and calculating, almost to the point of clinicality. When with Rose and unmasked, he is a loving father. Appearance: Slade has White hair, a goatee and a missing eye, covered by an eyepatch. Affliation: Rose Worth Other: Height is 6'4, weight is 225