Serin listened to the older, larger warrior. She naturally knew many pro's and con's about anything they were doing since this little big mission started. Hearing any form of contradiction to what she had said did not exactly sit well with here, but she would grudgingly give him the fact that he was correct in their need for care. If one of the groups were caught the whole shebang may blow up in their faces like one of the hot fume geysers from the wastes. When she was young she had lost a brother to those things, it wasn't a pleasant death. She nodded gravely to the more experienced older warrior, she knew, and perhaps he knew that more than one of them would probably not be coming back from this. If any of the Zodiac would show up… things could turn out quit badly, intelligence stated they were currently away… or so she had been told. “We will not fail.” However, to her… teammate, she turned and gave a malicious smirk, “I’ll try ever so hard not to slow you down.” She stated sarcastically before batting her eyelashes, though in the dark it was probably a missed gesture. She was all for team play, but she did not want her abilities doubted. She had been picked for this task due to her skill, not her feminine wiles. The leader did not leave anything to chance. There was a reason each of them were here, she could only wonder what the man saw in all of them, or how he expected each of them work together properly.