It was the night time over Hirameki City, storm clouds permeating the atmosphere as it's downpour caused the entire city to seem dreadfully dreary. This dreadful and rainy scene was only accentuated by sounds of police sirens that could be heard in the distance. A lone figure stood atop one of the tallest buildings, looking down on the city below, it's inhabitants more or less unaware of the calamity that was already starting to befall them. "Do they have the strength, the heart to stand up and face what is to come? What say you Keeper?" The man turned slightly towards a space behind him, a hood concealing his face. The figure stood still before finally turning away. "Regardless of your doubt it is my responsibility to at least present them with a choice, for if nothing is done all will be consumed." The figure froze again, listening to an unheard voice. Finally he gave a chuckle as he walked towards a blue door, stopping just before it. "Yes, such is the way of things. I fear it will be quite sometime before we meet again. Though I suppose no matter what the result it's all the same to you. In any case I have work to do, I bid thee farewell." And with that the man opened the door and disappeared within, the door itself vanishing shortly thereafter. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door to a small apartment opened as a lone man walked in, draping his wet, beige trench coat across the radiator to dry it off. The interior was small, a couch and coffee table with a TV shortly after. A kitchen separated from the "Living area" by a counter with a few bar stools. The man retrieved a towel from the bathroom and began drying himself off. Eventually he found the tv remote and pressed the power button causing a short click as the screen brightened the room. The news was on, an attractive young woman wearing a tan pantsuit was giving the weather forecast. "Sorry folks, looks like you're gonna want to keep those jackets and parasols out for a few more days! Rain from the west just keeps coming and coming! I'm Yuki Hosiri with the weather!" With that the scene shifts to two middle-aged men. "Thanks Yuki, so Daisuke what do you have for the local news?" His bespectacled counterpart starting sorting through papers before finally speaking. "Authorities are looking into the string of recent disappearances, according to the police the victims were attacked in their homes. The last victim disappeared earlier this week, a college student by the name of Ken Yoshihiro. A police source tells Hirameki News that they have a profile and are hunting down leads. Another source tells the Hirameki Times that cult activity may be involved." With another small click the room darkened again as the young man hit the power button. By now he was mostly ready for bed, he just had to set his alarm. "Oh right, classes start tomorrow. I guess Dad'll want me up early. Damn, I hate waking up at 6......" And so with his alarm set, the man fell asleep, thinking on the disappearances and what the new school year at Satoru Highschool would hold.