Name: Gilfred Mason Age: 20 Element: Light Appearance: Gilfredstands at around 6’2’’, and of a normal build. His medium length, dark brown hair hair is usually combed to keep it out of his face, though that seems to not have worked on a few rouge strands that fall back in front of his face. His eyes are a deep emerald, framed with a look of alertness, but with a twinge of tiredness. His face and nose are a bit angular, but not overly so, this results in his face appearing harder than it otherwise would. Personality: A smile can almost always be found on Gilfred, even if the world is coming down around his ears. He also tends to keep his head very well, making decisions more off of a chess like move than impulse, but made with the fervor and conviction of a crusader. He will also see a task out to the end, not matter the cost to himself, and takes oaths and promises very seriously. History (specify if you will reveal more in the RP): Gilfred's family was not much to look at, the weren't poor, but nor were they rich, so in essence they were what passes for middle class these days. It was here that Gilfred grew up, and though his family was not special, Gilfred was not content in the background and as such he often found himself on the opposing side of the law, though his intentions were always to help someone. When his family discovered his... abilities they sent him away as much to protect themselves as him. He was to be sent to a relative's in another city, but decided against it at the last moment, a feeling of wanderlust stopping him from continuing. Feel for element: He wields it as one would wield a sword properly, as an extension of ones self instead of a foreign tool. Enchanted items (Elemental artifacts which share the character's elements): [i]Gauntlets Of The Old Light:[/i][list] Each of these Gauntlets are a deep brass color and look to be made of highly stylized plate mail. On the center of the forearm guard of each is a lens set in a dial, which manipulates the power of the Gauntlet it is set in. [indent][*]Daylight: Worn of the right hand Daylight is the most offence oriented of the two, condensing Gilfred's power into beams of energy.[/*][/indent] [indent][*]Starlight: Worn of the left hand, Starlight produces constant light even in the darkest of areas and condenses Gilfred's power into a shield.[/*][/indent] [/list] [i]Clarent:[/i] "The Sword of Peace" and "The King's Betrayer", Clarent is a strong, old blade that shows no signs of age or weakness anywhere. Gilfred found Clarent in the ruins of an old museum after his exile. Pet: Lux Eternus, a [url=]Will-o-the-Wisp[/url] Lux is actually about the size of a small parrot and just as inquisitive