As Abelina rode on his shoulder, she'd watch the drunk man coming out of the pub with her tiny beady eyes. She was glad she wasn't a mammal at this point, more so a cat or dog. Can you imagine the smell? Disgusting. She turned away from the sight and started to wonder where she was going to go. What she was going to do. Her spider body would recoil slightly as she began to think harder. She knew this night wouldn't be necessary if it weren't for her rogue shapeshifter who gave all of their kinsman a bad name. Oh, how she wanted to find this shifter and prove it all... Abelina was interrupted by her thoughts as Martin was mentioned from afar. Her eyes locked on to the guard on the bridge as he drew his sword, Martin quickly doing the same with his staff. Oh dear.. what was she to do? If Abelina interfered, her bounty would soon be full of truth and not lies. But if she did nothing, Martin could be arrested. So she went with her gut. Jumping off of his shoulder, she would run beside him as a black wolf and would growl threateningly. She didn't want to kill the guard unless she had to.