Finished my character, let me know if I need to change anything. Name: Emmaline "Aline" Coolridge Age: 31 Gender: Female Appearance: Animal Spirit: Member Color: Personal Problem: She considers the vast majority of humanity to be nothing more than a pestilence upon the Earth that deserves to be wiped out. Personality: Revealed as rp progresses History: Growing up she was always preferred to play in the mud and dirt than to play that girly crap the others girl played. When she was seven she started going through precocious puberty. By the time she started high school the only reason boys paid attention to her was because she was more amply endowed than every other female in their small town. Most men in town treated her as nothing more than a bimbo and a sex object. The only person to treat her like an intelligent female was the coach of the football team who also was the teacher for the shop class which her mother made her take because her mother being a dumb blonde bimbo thought shop meant shopping. The shop teacher was more of a father figure to her than her actual father who was currently residing in prison for attempting to rape his only daughter. Due to her country's mandatory military service for all citizens over the age of eighteen she enlisted as soon as she graduated, it was only with the shop teacher's guidance that she did it not only due to it being legally required but she did it because she wanted to. She was only legally required to be a soldier for two years but she reenlisted again and again. Eventually she was approached by Mossad for its counter-terrorism unit. She served with Mossad for a while but her general dislike of humanity and the constant barrage of sexual innuendo and the sexual harrasment by immature morons above her led to her quitting. She went on a tour of the world. She was in New York City headed for the Statue of Liberty when she heard screams. She headed to the scene; there were dead bodies all over the place and some monstrosity attacking others. She assessed the scene. She saw a dead cop, she grabbed everything he had that could be of use which consisted of side-handle baton and his 9mm pistol along with any extra ammo he had. She checked to see what was left in the pistol. She noticed it hadn't been fired or had already reloaded, if the latter was the case the pistol may be useless. She stuck the baton in her belt and took aim at the monstrosity's head, she fired twice. It thankfully went down. She began escorting various citizens to local police stations.